Traffic Light

Grade 5 G/T Mathematics
Closure - Traffic Light

Standards for Mathematical Practices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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This closure activity allows students to reflect on what they have learned.  The teacher poses a question at the end of class and students use their traffic light to indicate their understanding.  The teacher can choose to have students solve the question and then show their traffic light or have students show their traffic light before they get ready to solve the question.  Students can use a picture of a traffic light, or red, yellow and green laminated construction paper circles to show how well they understand what has been taught.  Students who show green indicate they fully understand what has been taught; students who show yellow indicate they partially understand what has been taught; and students who show red indicate they need more time to develop understanding of what was taught.  The teacher can choose a couple of students who show green to explain their thinking to the class.  Or students can use red, yellow and green markers, crayons or colored pencils to add a small dot to their work (for example an exit ticket).

This closure activity can be combined with the Exit Ticket closure activity.


Questions you could ask:

  1. What is something you know won't work?
  2. What have you tried?  What steps did you take?
  3. How did you test whether your approach worked? Will that approach always work for situations like this?
  4. Can you create another problem related to this one?
  5. What might happen if I change this part of the problem?
  6. What would you do differently (or again) if you were faced with a problem like this in the future?
  7. What was one thing you learned?
  8. Is there another way to ____ (draw, say or explain) that?
  9. Have we ever solved a problem like this before?
  10. Is this solution reasonable?  Explain.
  11. Is there another way to solve this problem?
  12. Is there another possible answer?  If so, explain.





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