Grade 2 • Mathematics • Measurement and Data

Grade 2 Mathematics

Measurement and Data

Measurement and Data Vocabulary

  • Inch: a customary unit of length
  • Yard: a customary unit of length equal to 36 inches or 3 feet
  • Foot: a customary unit of length equal to 12 inches
  • Centimeter: a metric unit of length, about the width of your finger
  • Meter: a metric unit of length equal to 100 centimeters
  • Estimate: a number close to an exact amount
  • Length: the distance from one point to another
  • Equation: a number sentence with an equal sign, the amount on one side of the equal sign has the same value as the amount on the other side
  • Number Line: a diagram that represents numbers as points on a line
  • Data: information that has numbers
  • Line Plot: a graph showing frequency of data on a number line
  • Table: an organized way to list data
  • Bar Graph: a graph that uses the height or length of rectangles to compare data
  • Picture Graph: a graph that uses pictures to show data

Measurement and Data Activities 

  • Estimate the lengths of various objects around the house, such as a table, a book, a toothbrush, etc. Next, measure the same objects using a ruler with inches and centimeters to compare the estimate to the actual length.
  • Measure the four sides of a square or rectangular table using inches, and then add the four sides together to find the total length of all 4 sides.
  • Measure two different book lengths using centimeters. Compare the two lengths and determine how much longer one book is than the other.
  • Survey various family members about their favorite sport, color, ice cream flavor, or pizza topping. Create a bar graph to show the data.