Grade 2 • Mathematics • Geometry
Grade 2 • Family and Community Resources Overview
Grade 2 • English Language Arts
Grade 2 • Mathematics
Grade 2 • Science
Grade 2 • Social Studies
Grade 2 • Health
Grade 2 • Physical Education
Grade 2 • Media
Grade 2 • Visual Art
Grade 2 • Music
Grade 2 • Instructional Technology
Grade 2 Mathematics
Geometry Vocabulary
- Cube: a solid with 6 faces all the same size
- Closed Figure: a plane figure that completely surrounds an area
- Edge: the line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet
- Face: a flat surface on a solid figure
- Figure: a shape in 2 or 3 dimensions
- Half: 2 equal parts
- Hexagon: a figure with 6 sides
- Partition: to divide into parts
- Pentagon: a figure with 5 sides
- Open Figure: a plane figure that does not completely enclose an area
- Quadrilateral: a four-sided figure
- Thirds: three equal parts
- Triangle: a figure with 3 sides
- Vertex: where two line segments, lines or rays meet to form an angle
- Whole: all of the parts
Geometry Activities
- Look for 2-D and 3-D shapes around your house and community.
- Compare 2-D and 3-D shapes. Look for the 2-D shapes that make up the 3-D shapes.
- Talk about the shapes of foods that are eaten. For example, oranges are spheres.
- Talk about the shapes of containers in stores. For example, cans are cylinders and boxes are rectangular prisms or cubes.
Geometry Independent Practice