Grade 4 • Mathematics GT • Multiplication and Division

Grade 4 Mathematics GT

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and Division Vocabulary

  • Place value: the position of a digit in a number
  • Product: the result of multiplication
  • Multiple: a product of two whole numbers
  • Factor: a number that is multiplied by another number to get a product
  • Quotient: the result (answer) of dividing two numbers
  • Dividend: a number that is divided by another number
  • Divisor: The number you divide by (dividend ÷ divisor = quotient)   (Example: in 12 ÷ 3 = 4, 3 is the divisor)
  • Remainder: the amount left over when a whole number cannot be divided into equal whole numbers
  • Greatest common factor: the largest number that is a factor of two or more numbers
  • Least common multiple: the least number, other than zero, that is a multiple of two or more numbers
  • Distributive property: multiplying a sum (or difference) by a number is the same as multiplying each number in the sum (or difference) by the number and adding (or subtracting) the products
  • Prime numbers: a whole number greater than one with exactly two factors, 1 and itself
  • Composite numbers: a natural number greater than one that has more than two factors
  • Prime factorization: the set of primes who products is a given composite
  • Standard algorithm: a specific method of computation which is conventionally taught for solving particular mathematical problems  (step-by-step solution)

Multiplication and Division Activities 

  • Roll or pick numbers to create multi-digit numbers. Multiply or divide the whole numbers
  • Estimate and find the products and quotients of a given problem.  Discuss whether or not the estimation is reasonable.
  • Practice basic multiplication and division facts.
  • Investigate the amount of packaged food items needed to serve a given amount of guests. ( Ex. 24 juices in a case, 236 guests, number of cases needed)
  • After investigating packaged food items needed interpret the remainder.