Grade PreK • Physical Education What Your Child Will Learn

Grade PreK Physical Education

What Your Child Will Learn

Motor Skills and Movement Patterns

  • Performs locomotor skills: hops, gallops, slides using a mature pattern
  • Combines locomotor and nonlocomotor skills in a teacher-designed dance
  • Transfers weight from one body part to another in self-space in dance and gymnastics
  • Throws underhand demonstrating two of the five elements of a mature pattern
  • Catches various sizes of balls, self-tossed or tossed by a skilled thrower
  • Dribbles continuously in self-space using the preferred hand and foot

Concepts and Strategies

  • Performs a variety of locomotor movements using different levels (high, medium and low)
  • Differentiates between fast and slow speeds

Physical Activity and Fitness

  • Discusses the benefits of being active and exercising
  • Identifies the heart as a muscle that grows stronger with exercise, play, and physical activity

Personal and Social Behavior

  • Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately
  • Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without teacher reminders

Recognizes Value of Physical Activity

  • Identifies physical activity as a component of good health
  • Discusses personal reasons for enjoying physical activities


Maryland Early Learning Standards for Physical Education Links to an external site.