6.NS.6 - About the Math, Learning Targets, and Increasing Rigor

Grade 5AGL The Number System


Full Standard

Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.

  1. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself, e.g., –(–3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.
  2. Understand signs of numbers in ordered pairs as indicating locations in quadrants of the coordinate plane; recognize that when two ordered pairs differ only by signs, the locations of the points are related by reflections across one or both axes.
  3. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane.


Learning Targets

  • Plot integers and rational numbers on number lines.
  • Graph ordered pairs in all four quadrants using integers and other rational numbers.
  • Describe the meaning of opposites using number lines and physical models (i.e. two-color counters or algebra tiles).
  • Explain how the meaning of the signs of ordered pairs influences their location on a coordinate plane.
  • Recognize that locations of the points, that differ only by signs, are related by reflections across one or both axes.
  • Explain that if the only difference between coordinates is their signs they are the same distance from the origin and one or both axes.


About the Math

  • coordinates on coordinate planePlot integers and rational numbers on number lines.
  • Graph ordered pairs in all four quadrants using integers and other rational numbers.
  • Explain how the meaning of the signs of ordered pairs influences their location on a coordinate plane.
  • Recognize that locations of the points, that differ only by signs, are related by reflections across one or both axes.

In earlier grades, students worked with positive fractions, decimals and whole numbers on the number line and in quadrant 1 of the coordinate plane. In 6th grade, students extend the number line to represent all rational numbers and recognize that number lines may be either horizontal or vertical (e.g., thermometer) which facilitates the movement from number lines to coordinate grids. Students continue to place fractions, decimals and whole numbers on the number line as well as recognize that a number and its opposite are equidistance from zero (reflections about the zero). The opposite sign (–) shifts the number to the opposite side of 0. For example, – 4 could be read as “the opposite of 4” which would be negative 4. In the example, – (–6.4) would be read as “the opposite of the opposite of 6.4” which would be 6.4.

Students worked with Quadrant I in earlier grades. As the x-axis and y-axis are extending to include negatives, students begin to work with the Cartesian Coordinate system. Students recognize the point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect as the origin. Students identify the four quadrants and are able to identify the quadrant for an ordered pair based on the signs of the coordinates. For example, students recognize that in Quadrant II, the signs of all ordered pairs would be (–, +). Students understand the relationship between two ordered pairs differing only by signs as reflections across one or both axes. For example, in the ordered pairs (-2, 4) and (-2, -4), the y-coordinates differ only by signs, which represents a reflection across the x-axis. A change is the x-coordinates from (-2, 4) to (2, 4), represents a reflection across the y-axis. When the signs of both coordinates change, [(2, -4) changes to (-2, 4)], the ordered pair has been reflected across both axes.

  • Describe the meaning of opposites using number lines and physical models (i.e. two-color counters or algebra tiles).
  • Explain that if the only difference between coordinates is their signs they are the same distance from the origin and one or both axes.

Integers are opposites if they are the same distance from 0. 4 and -4 are both 4 from 0 and thus they are opposite. Students in 6th grade need to understand opposites in this way. Connecting this understanding to algebra tiles or two sided counters will help reinforce this foundation concept for work with computing integers later. 


Essential vocabulary for this standard includes: rational numbers, opposites, absolute value, origin, quadrants, coordinate plane, ordered pairs, x-axis, y-axis, and coordinates. 



Progression of Standard within Grade 6 (5 AGL)

This progression informs how to develop the standard within the grade level. This progression is provided by HCPSS Elementary Mathematics.

Progression Throughout Year
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


  • Describe the meaning of opposites using number lines and physical models (i.e. two-color counters or algebra tiles).
  • Graph ordered pairs in all four quadrants using integers and other rational numbers.
  • Explain how the meaning of the signs of ordered pairs influences their location on a coordinate plane.
  • Recognize that locations of the points, that differ only by signs, are related by reflections across one or both axes.
  • Explain that if the only difference between coordinates is their signs they are the same distance from the origin and one or both axes.


Progression of this Standard Across Grades

This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.

Progression Across Grades
Grade 5 Grade 7
  • Add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction of rational numbers on number line  (7.NS.1)



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