Kindergarten Centers

Kindergarten Centers

Learning through play is a critical component of cognitive development. Play helps children learn problem-solving skills and new concepts in a natural and uninterrupted way. According to Sergio Pellis, a researcher at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, "the experience of play changes the connections of the neurons at the front end of your brain. And without play experience, those neurons aren't changed. It is those changes in the prefrontal cortex during childhood that help wire up the brain's executive control center, which has a critical role in regulating emotions, making plans and solving problems. So play is what prepares a young brain for life, love and even schoolwork.”

Centers (i.e., student-selected activities, guided play, or choice time) are a core component of the HCPSS kindergarten program. Centers are intentionally-planned by instructional staff and provide students with a variety of opportunities to learn and explore new concepts and reinforce skills in a developmentally appropriate setting. Centers are also a time for teachers to focus on teaching social scripts, conversational rules, and taking turns, in addition to facilitating social emotional development and transfer of learning through authentic experiences. Centers are not a second recess, it is the expectation that students are engaged in productive play with purpose during the center block and staff are engaged with students to gather assessment data, scaffold play and learning, helping students apply new learning in the play setting, etc.

Centers allow students to make their own choices and direct their own play. Instructional staff are available assist all students in building independence; during centers, teachers are expected to observe, record, confer, participate, or facilitate. Furthermore, procedures are in place that allow children to select, transition between, and recall their time spent in centers. 

 30-40 Minutes

Suggested Centers

Centers can include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Dramatic Play
  • Listening Center
  • Technology Center (e.g., devices, LaunchPads)
  • Blocks (e.g., unit blocks, Keva planks, Legos)
  • Sensory Table (e.g., sand, water, rice)
  • Clay/Play-Doh
  • Art Center
  • Painting Center (e.g., easel, finger paint)
  • Reading Corner (e.g., Book Nook, Library)
  • Science Exploration Center
  • Writing Center
  • Math Center
  • Rotating Options (e.g., Post Office, Veterinarian's Office, Doctor's Office, Restaurant, School, Flower Shop)

According to Hemmeter, Ostrosky, and Fox, "engaging, predictable environments and ongoing positive adult-child interactions are necessary for promoting children's social and emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors" (2006). By developing clear and consistent schedules and routines, students can:

  • Feel in control of their environment;
  • Feel safe, secure, and comfortable;
  • Know what is happening now and what comes next;
  • Know how to do an activity or task; and,
  • Engage in learning


Kindergarten teachers should develop and implement a routine for student choice during centers. As noted by Dinnerstein (2016), "because children will need to choose a center each day, it's important that you establish an efficient routine for making selections. First, children need to be able to survey all their choices. A choice chart that is clear and easy for children to read displays all the center choices available, and you can add each new center to the chart as you introduce it. Review how many children may go to each center [and] establish a predictable routine for selection." For more about choosing centers and organizational structures, please see Choice Time: How to Deepen Learning Through Inquiry and Play, PreK-2 (Dinnerstein, 2016)

Teachers are mindful to change activities and materials as necessary in response to student interest and the current academic focus. Basic centers should always be labeled, organized and conveniently placed for the children to access. 


The following lesson plans can be used and/or adapted to help launch centers at the beginning or throughout the year.

Launching Center Time Lesson: Dramatic Play Organization Links to an external site.

Launching Center Time Lesson: Blocks Links to an external site.

Launching Center Time Lesson: Clean-Up Links to an external site.


 The Importance of Schedules and Routines Links to an external site.

Helping Children Understand Routines and Classroom Schedules Links to an external site.

Choice Time: How to Deepen Learning Through Inquiry and Play, PreK-2 (Dinnerstein, 2016)

Additional Resources

Establishing Routines & Procedures in Early Childhood Classrooms (Canvas)

Time spent in well-planning, well-stocked, and inviting learning centers is a core component of the kindergarten program in HCPSS. Children benefit from opportunities to interact on their own and with peers, as well as with adults, through scaffolded learning experiences. Learning centers should have a wide variety of materials and activities and do not have to be limited to the suggestions listed on this page.

Select the links to view a list of suggested materials (document or spreadsheet option) or expand the accordians below.

Material Ideas for Kindergarten Centers Links to an external site.

Material Ideas for Kindergarten Centers Links to an external site.


  • Ruler
  • Tape measure
  • Real-world examples of interesting buildings/architectural structures (student-created Links to an external site., books, postcards, calendar photos)
  • Camera, iPad, or other device to photograph constructions
  • Rubber dolls or other figures
  • Dollhouse furniture
  • Animals (plastic or stuffed)
  • Vehicles
  • Signage/Label making materials (tape, markers, pencils, index cards, sticky notes)
  • Pieces of fabric
  • Familiar or preferred items to entice students to use the blocks (e.g., action figures)
  • Keva planks
  • Pictures of differently-abled people
  • Sentence strips as roads
  • Yarn to make roads or paths
  • Legos
  • Marble run
  • Writing/labeling materials
  • Recyclable materials
  • Cardboard tubes
  • 3D Geometric Shapes
  • Flashlights (from Science Kit) to create shadows
  • Jumbo Nuts & Bolts

Block Transformation Ideas

The following items can be used to help transform the Block area:

  • Farm: animals, materials to make food in the fields or for the farm stand 
  • Theme Park: students can build roller coasters, mazes, etc.
  • Zoo: animals, food, tickets, train
  • Construction Site: hard hats, tape measure, construction vehicles
  • Ramp-making: fabric, styrofoam, cardboard, plastic, etc.: which textiles can make an object go down the ramp?


  • Natural Items: seashells, seeds and pods, leaves, branches, tree pods, sand, pebbles, rocks, bird feathers, bones, nests
  • Water
  • Life Cycles (butterflies, frogs, mealworms)
  • Shadows: flashlights, shoe box turned on its side, interestingly shaped objects, make your hand into animal shapes, What’s that Shadow? A Photo Riddle Book by Christopher L. Harbo
  • Sorting trays, cups, or boxes
  • Microscopes
  • Cameras
  • Timers and stopwatches
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plastic beakers or cups for pouring
  • Tweezers
  • Plastic baggies
  • Lab coats (cut-down adult-sized shirts with stick-on labels for name tags)
  • Kitchen scale
  • Date stamps
  • Nonfiction books and magazines
  • Binoculars
  • Pinwheels
  • Staff photo (students can use magnifying glass to look for faces)
  • Jacob’s ladder
  • Magic tricks
  • Kaleidoscopes
  • Discovery bottles

Science Kit

The following items can be found in your science kits and added to the Science Center:

  • Hand lens
  • Funnels
  • Color paddles
  • Magnets
  • Measuring cups
  • Pippets (eye droppers)
  • Thermometers
  • Clipboards

Library / Media Center

This center may also be called the Book Nook, Reading Center, Listening Center, or Technology Center

  • Inquiry-Driven Text Sets: dinosaurs, weather, transportation, space, author collections, dramatic play-themed baskets of books
  • Variety of books/songs available or rotated through
  • Book-sharing board (illustrate a part of the book on cardstock and, pin to the board, write a review)
  • Author/Illustrator images
  • Bookmarks
  • Special and/or child-sized seating (yoga mats, plastic chairs)
  • Sticky notes
  • Quieter space. For example, use a large box with a ‘skylight’ and doorway
  • Tablets, computers
  • Flashlight (from Science Kit)
  • Photos of students reading
  • Big books
  • Pointers
    • Tip: themed and seasonal pencils are often found in dollar bins; use them to create pointers you can rotate in and out. To make, glue an eraser cap on one end of a pencil and a puffball on the other for small pointers! 

Dramatic Play

  • Child-sized table and chairs
  • Kitchen (oven, stove, refrigerator)
  • Baby bed/crib, blankets, dolls
  • Kitchen Items: Dishes, cups, utensils, tablecloth, food
  • Hand lens/Magnifying glass (from Science Kit)
  • Tape measure
  • Mirror (small ones are in Science Kit)
  • Child-sized broom, dustpan, and mop
  • Dress-up clothes
  • Fabric to create costumes
  • Stuffed animals
  • Keys on keychains
  • Wallets, purses
  • Telephone, telephone directory
  • Notepads, sticky notes, and writing utensils
  • Small suitcase, attached case
  • Magazines
  • Maps (for going on trips)
  • Travel brochures
  • Balance/Scale
  • Calendars
  • Cash register, play money

Dramatic Play Transformation Ideas

The following items can be used to help transform the Dramatic Play Center:

  • Supermarket: cash register, supermarket circulars, coupons, materials to make money, reusable bags, balance, kitchen scales, sticky notes for prices
  • Post Office: hanging shoe organizers as mailboxes, canceled stamps, magnifying glasses, paper for making stamps, envelopes, telephone
  • Doctor’s Office: clipboards for patient information (from Science Kit), ruler to measure growth, scale, eye chart, bandaids
  • Veterinarian’s Office: clipboards, stuffed animals, scale, ruler
  • Movie or Puppet Theater
  • Restaurant: supermarket circulars for cutting out foods to make menus, cash register, tablets to write orders, aprons, nametags, table numbers, fabric for cloth napkins, chef hat (can be made out of paper), recyclable items to be used as spices on the table, playdough to create food
  • Flower Shop: flowers, paper, notecards, ribbon, cash register, money
  • Airplane or Airport: bags, materials to make tickets, hats, nametags, globe, maps, tools for fixing the airplane, tray (from Science Kit) to serve snacks/drinks, headphones and flashlights (from Science Kit) to direct the plane on the runway, photos of faraway places
  • Firehouse: flashlights (from Science Kit), hats, plastic hoses, phone, maps, keyboards/pretend computers 
  • Candy Shop: pretend candies, cash register, money, play-doh, plates, boxes, ribbons
  • Pizza Shop: play-doh to make pizza toppings, menus, plates, cups, utensils, boxes, tablets, etc.
  • Beach: Beach ball, blankets/towels, sunglasses, picnic items

Dramatic Play Tips

Don’t forget to enlist other center areas to help make materials. Invite students to brainstorm what is needed to change the Dramatic Play center and ask them to contribute to its development.

For example, when opening a flower shop:

  • Writing Center: create the “menu” with illustrations, etc.
  • Play-Doh/Clay: sculpt vases, flowers
  • Art Center: use tissue paper, pipe cleaners, and glue to create flowers; make money
  • Painting: create signs to hang in the shop
  • Etc.


  • Cuisenaire rods
  • Attribute blocks
  • Geoboards and bands
  • Pattern blocks
  • Pegboards and pegs
  • Abacus
  • Paper and pencils for recording information
  • Grid paper/dot paper and colored pencils for planning designs for geoboards
  • Graph paper
  • Board games
  • Dominoes
  • Dice
  • Tangrams
  • Playing cards
  • Spinners and counters
  • Rulers and tape measures
  • Magnifying glasses and coins
  • Scales (balance, kitchen, bathroom)
  • Clocks (digital and analog)
  • Tessellation packs or puzzles
  • Origami paper
  • Checker sets
  • Mirrors for pattern blocks (to change perspective)
  • Keys
  • Buttons
  • Acorns
  • Fabric scraps
  • Bottle caps and corks
  • Seashells
  • Coins
  • Toothpicks, popsicle sticks, paper clips (for measuring)
  • Number lines
  • Rekenreks
  • Whiteboards, whiteboard markers, erasers
  • Laminated math games (e.g., Investigations, etc.)
  • Check your school’s Math Closet (if applicable) or check with other grades for materials

Math Center Task Ideas

As part of the Math Center, students can complete the following tasks or activities:

  • Conduct a survey
  • Write math stories
  • Make a puzzle
  • Create a board game
  • Measure the same item with multiple objects
  • Origami
  • Make playdough
  • Go on a shape hunt
  • Embed in other areas (e.g., create an inventory of materials in other centers, such as the number of cars in blocks)

Sensory Table

All kindergarten classrooms have been provided with a sand and water table. Consider the following items:

  • Explore with a variety of base materials (shredded paper, pasta, rice, sand, gravel, kinetic sand, etc.)
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Spoons, forks, tongs
  • Paper or plastic cups of different sizes
  • Cardboard tubes and tape
  • Clean, empty plastic containers of different shapes and sizes (e.g., dipping sauce, spices, yogurt)
  • Play sand can be ordered yearly as part of the science consumable order

Art and Paint


Includes drawing, sculpting, coloring, crafting, etc.

  • Crayons, markers, colored pencils
  • Skin tone crayons
  • Glue (try liquid glue for fine motor practice)
  • Tape
  • Construction paper or different sizes, colors
  • Newsprint
  • Drawing paper
  • Chalk
  • Color wheel Links to an external site.
  • Art books
  • Wood scraps (for 3D construction)
  • Collage materials
  • Cardboard tubes
  • Stickers
  • Paper bags
  • Envelopes
  • Tissue paper
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Scissors
  • Calendar pictures
  • Stencils or items to trace
  • Paper scraps (collected from the die-cut and other places!)
  • Reuse gift wrap, tissue paper, ribbon, and boxes
  • How-To Draw a ___ tutorials 
  • Use Chromebook to play videos of directed drawings or step-by-step instructions for drawings

Art Center Task Ideas

As part of the art center, students can complete the following tasks or activities:

  • Mural
  • Paper bag puppets
  • Chalk on wet paper
  • Make invitations or cards
  • Create items to go in themed centers (ex., money for Dramatic Play, shapes for a shape hunt, paint or craft flowers for flower shop)
  • Ripped paper collage
  • Tear, ball up, and glue tissue paper to make a 3D drawing
  • Color mixing 
  • Make bracelets with pony beads or cut-up plastic straws and pipe cleaners
  • Chose a sticker and make a setting for it
  • Writing/drawing in the sand
  • Make a boat and see if it will float


All kindergarten classrooms have been provided with an easel. Consider the following items:

  • Tempera Paint (including skin tone colors and white paint for a base to make tinted colors)
  • Fingerpaint
  • Sponge painting
  • Watercolors
  • Brushes of different sizes/thicknesses
  • Paint containers
  • Smocks or button-down dress shirts (worn backwards)
  • Q-tips

Paint Center Tips

  • Change paint colors every 2-3 weeks; consider changing colors to match the season, themes, or student choice. For example, in February, provide red, pink, and purple. Ask your students for ideas!
  • Mix paint to create new colors. Use white paint as a base and tint with colors for pastels or monochromatic options. For example, in January, provide light, medium, or dark blue. Add glitter to white for “snow” or “icy” colors. Ask students to brainstorm color combinations and make them together. 
  • Add a little water to tempera paint cups for ease of application or to refresh the paint that is starting to dry.
  • Save plastic icing tubs and lids - they make great paint cups. Line with plastic baggies and fill the baggies with paint. Each evening, close the baggies or place lids on the container to prevent drying. Students can also contribute; at the end of the week, students at the painting center are responsible for  placing the brushes in soapy water for cleaning and disposing of the paint baggies when it is time to change the colors.
  • Wrap the easel in laminated bulletin board paper for longevity

Paint Center Task Ideas

As part of the paint center, students can complete the following tasks or activities:

  • Crayon resist painting (watercolor painting over a drawing made with a white wax crayon)
  • Marble in a box painting
  • Wet on wet painting (watercolor painting on paper made wet by a sponge)

Play-Doh or Clay

  • Clay/Play-doh
  • Flat surface
  • Tools (rollers, cookie cutters in a variety of shapes, letters, etc.; dull plastic utensils, dull scissors)
  • Trays to contain materials
  • Resealable containers (reuse cleaned takeout containers, gladware, etc.)

Play-Doh/Clay Center Tips

Use MOI funds to purchase new play-doh or the ingredients for homemade play-doh, or consider having a Play-Doh sign-up for your classroom. 1-2 families can sign up each month; their child can read to perform a task to help make the Play-Doh at home, choose the colors, and add scents (vanilla, pumpkin spice, cocoa, gingerbread, etc.)! Homemade play-doh gets disposed of monthly after use. Don’t forget to send home a reminder and recipe to families when it is their turn!


  • Fine motor activities (e.g., lacing, threading beads, untangling yarn, etc.)
  • Variety of paper: construction paper, lined and unlined, tablets
  • Variety of writing materials, including those only used at writing center
  • Stamps and ink pads
  • Envelopes
  • Stickers
  • Greeting cards (or tear the fronts off old cards)

Writing Center Task Ideas

As part of the writing center, students can complete the following tasks or activities:

  • Make invitations or cards
  • Create items to go in themed centers (e.g., menus, signs)
  • Chose a sticker and write about it
  • Writing/drawing in sand, shaving cream, or baggies filled with sensory materials (gel and glitter; paint)


  • Begin with familiar materials and fewer centers.
  • Less is more, especially at the beginning of the year! Use a combination of commercial and noncommercial materials and rotate them throughout the year.
  • Help develop technical art skills: using scissors, refining gluing techniques, learning different ways of folding, rolling & crinkling paper, etc.
  • Check with your Art teacher to see what skills have been taught, and for materials you may need.
  • If you have Pre-K, check with them for materials to see what center ideas were successful or of high interest to the students.
  • Combine centers to save space and create more interest.
  • Introduce and model how to use new materials.
  • Teach how to clean up and organize materials.
  • If students have to stay in one center for the whole session, consider having ‘open’ centers that are always available if students need a break from the center they are in that day.  These could be centers that have familiar materials and/or centers that may not have enough materials to engage students for the entire time (ex. Book Center, Fine Motor Center, Science Center).
  • Students can help transform everyday work tables into centers; for example, the horseshoe teacher table becomes the Art Center when all materials are stored in a bin that is easily accessible to students.


The Kindergarten Center Fidelity Checklist is a walkthrough tool created for building administrators as well as kindergarten and curriculum staff. The tool helps users develop a shared understanding of how centers support academic and social-emotional learning through authentic, meaningful play.

Classroom teachers can use the checklist as a self-appraisal tool to reflect on how their classroom environment, materials, and interactions increase students' opportunities to apply their learning during centers.     


The data gathered from this tool should be used to:

  • provide feedback to teachers about what is going well;
  • drive discussion about what enhancements can be made to enrich students' experiences through authentic play;
  • develop resources and professional learning. 


  Kindergarten Centers Fidelity Checklist (view only) Links to an external site.

  Kindergarten Centers Fidelity Checklist Links to an external site. (create a forced copy for school use)

Are Centers Required in Kindergarten?

Yes, centers are a core component of the HCPSS kindergarten program are are required in daily schedules.

How Long are Centers?

Kindergarten schedules should allocate 30-40 minutes daily for centers. The center block can be split into two 20-minute blocks.

When Should Centers Occur?

Centers can occur at any time during the day; they don't have to occur at the end of the day and are not something students "earn" for completing their work. For example, if your team has a later lunch, consider scheduling a 20-minute center block between two instructional blocks to give students a time for self-guided play and learning.

It's important to note that centers are not a second recess, so students should be engaged in productive play with purpose, and staff should be engaging with students to gather assessment data, scaffold play and learning, etc. According to Dinnerstein (2016), "when children participate in center activities at the end of the day, their play is understandably less focused on collaborative interactions and creative explorations. They're tired from their academic work and less interested in writing a story or recording magnet discoveries or creating menus for a restaurant. By the end of the day without opportunities for playful, freely chosen experiences, children often treat center activities as unguided free play - and who can blame them?"

I don't Want to Have [x] Center in my classroom. Can I send the Furniture to Warehouse?

All kindergarten students should have access to a range of centers, including those noted on this page (e.g., blocks, kitchen for dramatic play, sensory table). If space is an issue, please contact Early Childhood Programs staff for support with implementing specific centers in smaller spaces.

Likewise, center furniture provided to kindergarten teams is purchased by the Office of Early Childhood Programs and the Purchasing Department and is part of the classroom inventory and may not be sent to the Logistics Center. The Logistics Center is not a storage facility; items sent there from schools is auctioned to the public and cannot be replenished if disposed of without approval.

If a furniture item is something you may not want, it must be available for future use by other teachers. Teams are expected to maintain inventories and store furniture that is not in use. For more information about inventories and storage, please visit the links below.

Early Childhood Programs Inventory

Purchasing Inventory

Team Reduction/Increase

What should staff do during centers?

Instructional staff (teachers, paraprofessionals) should support student learning and play by scaffolding interactions, asking purposeful questions, or gathering observational or anecdotal data.

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