Kindergarten Inventory

kindergarten inventory

This inventory can be used by your kindergarten team as an overall reference for materials that should be in teams or classrooms. The guide reflects materials that were supplied by our office for instructional use when a new kindergarten classroom was previously opened. We understand that items may go missing; however, this inventory is for reference purposes and is not meant to serve as a wish list or shopping list of missing items. Your team should work together to familiarize themselves with the location of as many items on this list as possible; in most cases, after our initial material purchase, old or outdated materials should be replenished using school-based funds.

Please note that teacher desks, student tables and chairs, and file cabinets are not Early Childhood Programs-provided furniture. These furniture items are supplied by the HCPSS Purchasing Office. Please visit Purchasing Inventory to view approved furniture items that are supplied for new kindergarten classrooms. 

Visual Inventory

Per Classroom

Kindergarten Inventory

Kindergarten Inventory Checklist Links to an external site.

Item Image Item Image Item Image
3D Foam Geometric Solid (set of 6) 3d foam geometric solids Animals, Classic Farm Collection farm animals

Atlas, New Friends and New Places

No longer purchasing 24-25 and beyond

Being a Reader Classroom Package, Grade K Download Being a Reader Classroom Package, Grade K bar kit.png Being a Writer Classroom Package, Grade K baw kit.png Blocks, Wood Unit (set of 160) unit blockd
Block Play Traffic Sign traffic.jpeg Calendar Pocket Chart (2017) calendar pocket chart Classroom Carpet rug
Community Helpers/Career Flashcards community helper flashcards Dice Foam, 5" Dot foam dice Dominoes dominoes
Double-Sided Counters foam counters Dress-Up, Career Community Helpers (set of 6) career dress up Dry Erase Board: Red & Blue, Dual Sided, 9x12 (set of 24) whiteboards
Early Learning Dictionary dictionary Easel, Heavy Duty Hardwood (2-sided) easel Food Set, Basic Nutrition food set
Giant Magnetic Ten Frame magnetic ten frames Globe, 16' Early Learning Raised Relief (US and World) globe Heggerty Phonological Awareness Curriculum guide (SY22-23) heggerty.jpeg
Indestructible Play Dishes, Service for 4 dramatic play dishes Instructional Boards, Mathematics instructional boards Jumbo Nuts & Bolts nuts and bolts
KEVA Planks (400) keva planks Kitchen, Pretend & Play Combo kitchen Magnetic Letters - Lowercase lowercase magnetic letters
Magnetic Letters - Uppercase uppercase magnetic letters Magnetic Numbers magnetic numbers Magnetic Pattern Blocks magnetic pattern blocks
Magnetic Tub O' Letters tub o' letters Mathematics Manipulatives Kit (complete Investigations kit or comparable manipulatives Links to an external site.) manipulatives Math, Plastic Links math links
Math, Unifix Cubes unifix cubes Number Lines (pack of 30) number lines Number Tiles number tiles

Paddles, Handheld Dry Erase - Set of 10

(2020 and before: set of 12)

dry erase paddles Place Value Blocks place value blocks

Puppets or Rubber Dolls, Community Helpers (2022 and prior)


Rubber Doll Play People (2023 and Beyond)

community workers dolls
Puzzle, Giant Number Train (floor) number train puzzle Puzzle, Alphabet Train (floor) abc floor puzzle Puzzle, Animals in the Barn or Comparable Item (floor) animals in the barn puzzle
Puzzle, Season, Weather, or Comparable Item four seasons puzzle Rekenrek: Student Size (class set) rekenrek Rekenrek: Teacher Demonstration Size (1) rekenrek
Sand and Water Play Set sand water toys Sentence Strips (100 pack or roll) sentence_strips Table & Chair Set child size table and chairs
Table, Sand & Water sand and water table Tangrams tangrams Word Tiles (6 bags) word tiles

Per Team

Per K Team Inventory

Item Image Item Image Item Image
Big Book: A Good Night Walk goodnight Big Book:  Chicka Chicka 123 chicka123 Big Book: It Begins with an A it begins with a
Big Book: Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten miss_bindergarten Big Book: The Snowy Day the snowy day Big Book: Today is Monday; today is monday
Big Book: What Will the Weather Be Like Today? weather big book Big Book: Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? cookie_jar Clifford's Family by Norma Bidwell clifford.jpeg
Community Helpers A-Z by Bobbie Kalman community_helpers_book Developing Number Concepts: Counting, Comparing & Pattern by Kathy Richardson developing_numbers_1 Developing Number Concepts Book 2: Addition and Subtraction by Kathy Richardson number_concepts_2
Dramatic Play Theme Box dramatic_writing_boxes Exercise by Sharon Gordon exercise book Fast Start for Early Readers by Timothy Rasinski fast_start for early readers
Fine Motor Fun by Sherrill Flora fine motor fun Hands On Standards (PreK/K) hands on standards Health & Safety Theme Boxes health_safety_themes
Hip Hoppin' Hundred Mat hip_hoppin_hundreds mat How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U.S.A. by Marjorie Priceman how to make a cherry pie Is Everybody Ready for Kindergarten? is everybody ready for k
Jumbo Floor Math Game jumbo_floor_math Large Unifix Magnets unifix_magnets Lee & Low Selection (assorted titles) assorted bebop titles
Let's Pretend Writing Boxes lets_pretend writing boxes Leveled Texts (assorted titles) leveled_text Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni little_blue
Mastering the Basic Math Facts by John San Giovanni basic_math_facts Math Intervention: Building Number Power math_intervention Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney me on the map
No More Teaching a Letter a Week no more teaching a letter a week Read Aloud Paperback Book Collection book collection Recycle Every Day by Nancy Wallace recycle every day
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics by John Van de Walle vandewalle What is a Scientist by Barbara Lehn scientist_book.jpeg You Are What You Eat by Sharon Gordon you are what you eat
Words Their Way for PreK-K words their way

Previously Purchased Materials

Previously Purchased Materials

The following materials were purchased prior to SY2019-2020. These materials will no longer be purchased for programs as they are discontinued or are technology no longer supported. Teams may choose to share these materials and maintain them for older classroom inventories.

Item Image Item Image Item Image
CD, Catch a Brain Wave Fitness brain wave cd CD, Dr. Jean Sings Silly Songs dr. jean sings silly songs CD, Kiss Your Brain (Dr. Jean) dr. jean kiss your brain
CD, Language Play & Listening Fun (Jack Hartmann) language play cd CD, Math All Around Me (Jack Hartmann) math all around me cd CD, Math In Motion (Jack Hartmann) math in motion cd
CD, Multicultural Children's Songs (Ella Jenkins) ella jenkins CD, Sing to Learn (Dr. Jean) dr. jean sings silly songs The Continuum of Literacy Learning manual by Fountas & Pinnell continuum
Fountas & Pinnell Assessment Kit System I f and p assessment kit Listening Center listening center

The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading by Jan Richardson

next step forward in guided reading book

iPad Air

(as remaining inventory permits)

ipad air 2.jpeg OSMO Coding Kit (2016) osmo coding kit OSMO Genius Kit (2016) OSMO genius kit

Removal of Instructional Materials and Furnishings

Any old or outdated materials may not be placed in school dumpsters for disposal. Please submit a HCPSS Warehouse Pick Up/Delivery Request for these items, then scan and email a copy of that request to Kym Nwosu in Early Childhood Programs. Per Howard County Public School System Policy Policy 4080 Links to an external site., only the Purchasing Office is responsible for the disposal, reutilization or destruction of HCPSS Board property. Please visit our Inventory FAQ for additional information.


creative commons license.png This course content is offered under a  CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Links to an external site.  license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.