Domain 2
About the domain
"The classroom environment is a critical aspect of a teacher's skill in promoting learning. Students can't concentrate on the academic content if they don't feel comfortable in the classroom. If the atmosphere is negative, if students fear ridicule, if the environment is chaotic, no one - neither students nor teacher - can focus on learning. So although Domain 2 does not deal with instructional skills, its components make the teacher's exercise of instructional skills possible" (Danielson, 2007, p. 64).
Children learn best when they feel safe, have developed secure and nurturing relationships with their teachers and classmates, and engage in active learning experiences that connect to their prior knowledge. Additionally, child-initiated and adult-facilitated play are an essential component of the instructional day; play provides children with the opportunity to apply new skills, knowledge, and behaviors in an authentic setting.
The classroom environment sets the stage for learning. Teachers in early childhood programs should plan with intentionality to ensure their classrooms:
- reflect the goals of the Howard County Public School System's early childhood program;
- take into consideration the age of the children;
- are developmentally appropriate and physically accessible to all members of the classroom community;
- provide the space and materials children need to actively engage in and make sense of learning; and,
- considers and fosters an appreciation of diverse perspectives.
As young children are learning to become members of a broader school community, it is essential that early childhood educators establish clear and consistent procedures, behavior management guidelines, and a shared sense of responsibility to the function of the daily routine. It is important to remember that common expectations in a school building (e.g., walking in a line, raising your hand to volunteer or share, and sitting in an assigned space) are a procedures that many children must learn when they enter school. As such, teachers should consistently model and uphold expectations, provide many opportunities for practice, and provide considerable positive feedback when students meet expectations. "As a starting point, educators explain and are consistent with the flow of the day so that children come to anticipate the rhythm and a predictable schedule. Educators help children learn how to manage choices and change, how to work collaboratively, and how to learn responsibility" (MSDE, 2015, p. 123).
indicators for levels of performance
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