The Danielson Framework in Early Childhood
According to Danielson (2007), "the framework for teaching identifies those aspects of a teacher's responsibilities that have been documented through empirical studies and theoretical research as promoting improved student learning. Although they are not the only possible description of practice, these responsibilities seek to define what teachers should know and be able to do in the exercise of their profession" (p. 1).
The Framework for Teaching Danielson is used by the Howard County Public School System for use in all classrooms; however, this resource strives to support professional conversations and provide an additional level of insight into the levels of teaching performance using the lens of early childhood best practices.
The Domain 2: Classroom Environment and Domain 3: Instruction modules provide early childhood examples for each indicator and level of proficiency. These examples can used in part to support reflective coaching, supervision, and evaluation .
The Office of Early Childhood Programs and Early Intervention Services are updating Danielson (2022) domain resources, including exemplars for early childhood classrooms, which will be finalized fall 2024. During this time, staff can access the resources linked in this module, aligned to the previous version, as a companion to other system materials.
EXemplary Practices Document
The Early Childhood Exemplary Practices document aligns research-informed, developmentally appropriate, and inclusive practices to Domain 2, Learning Environments, and Domain 3, Learning Experiences as related to the Danielson Framework. This resource provides a quick reference for practices that can be observed in quality early childhood programs (preschool - kindergarten), but does not describe all best practices comprehensively.
Early Childhood Exemplary Practices Document Links to an external site.
- Center for the Study of Education Policy (2013). Danielson framework with early learning examples Links to an external site.. Normal, IL: Illinois State University.
- Danielson, C (2007). Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Pennsylvania State Department of Education Standards Aligned System (2018). Possible examples of how the framework for teaching could apply to early childhood teachers Links to an external site.. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Department of Education.
- Workgroup on Teacher Evaluation Evidence (2013). Teacher evaluation support document: PreK & K . Trenton, NJ: New Jersey State Department of Education.
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