Pre-K Miscellaneous FAQ
Do children have to be toilet trained in Pre-k?
Every year, a couple of students show up in Pre-K who are not toilet trained. Students are not required to be toilet trained, although the process usually happens rather quickly once they are in a school routine. Pre-K staff should be the ones to support the process and help the child within the classroom or team area, unless otherwise directed by the health room.
Please see Pre-K Self Care Tasks for further guidance.
Are Substitutes Provided to Pre-K Paraeducators?
Yes. It is recommend that schools identify dates as soon as possible so they can work on securing a substitute for the vacancy. If not arranged for ahead of the absence, the assistant principal or principal's secretary can secure the substitute from the approved paraeducator | clerical | lunch-recess monitor list. Approved substitute teachers can also be used, but keep in mind that paraeducator substitutes are paid $100.62 per day, regardless of the approved list source. Please note that according to the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) Links to an external site., staff to child ratios are 1:10 and are maintained at all times.
What Are the Ratios For Rest Time in Full Day Pre-K?
Rest time in full day Pre-K means children are on mats for the duration of the block, only getting getting up to use the restroom, get a tissue, etc. The intention of rest is for children to sleep, however, children are not required to sleep, and are permitted to do quiet activities on their mat. In this instance, when all children are meeting this definition of rest, classrooms may maintain a 1:20 ratio.
In order to meet the needs of children that do not rest (i.e., remaining on mats), teams may choose to have one room of quiet activities and one room of children resting. In this instance, the quiet activity room that allows children to actively move about the classroom must maintain the 1:10 ratio. The resting room may maintain a 1:20 ratio.
I Have Concerns About a Pre-K Student in My Class. What Steps Do I Follow?
First, consider staff members within the school community who are able to collaborate with the classroom teacher to problem-solve such as co-teachers, Regional Early Childhood Center staff, the school psychologist, and related service providers. In co-taught classrooms, general education and special education staff should collaboratively consider and plan Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III strategies Links to an external site. to implement. This should also be discussed in Teaming, and you can also consider SST. Remember to include data collection in the collaboration process. Areas to consider when problem solving include high quality first instruction, developmentally appropriate practices, classroom environment, motivation and reinforcers, sensory needs, and family involvement.
Following school-based collaboration, and data collection, if additional support is needed, please contact your Office of Early Childhood Programs Point of Contact Links to an external site.. Your Point of Contact will be able to help analyze data, provide strategies, and observe for fidelity of implementation. Areas of focus to be considered for planning and observation include high quality first instruction, developmentally appropriate practices, classroom environment, motivation and reinforcers, sensory needs, and family involvement.
If necessary, consultation with the Office of Early Intervention Services may occur.
I Have Concerns About a Child's Readiness for Kindergarten. Can The Student Re-Enroll in Pre-K?
In most circumstances, it is the expectation of Early Intervention Services and Early Childhood Programs that children who are of age (i.e., 5 by September 1) go to kindergarten at the conclusion of the Pre-K year. If the child is in general education (i.e., income-eligible Pre-K or Learning Together Peer) and parent waives, Pre-K is not offered for a second year. Please contact Early Childhood Programs for more information.
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