Pre-K Inventory


pre-k inventory

This inventory can be used by your Pre-K team as an overall reference for materials that should be in teams or classrooms. The guide reflects materials that were supplied by the Office of Early Childhood Programs for instructional use when a new Pre-K classroom was previously opened. We understand that items may go missing; however, this inventory is for reference purposes and is not meant to serve as a wish list or shopping list of missing items. Your team should work together to familiarize themselves with the location of as many items on this list as possible; in most cases, after our initial material purchase, old or outdated materials should be replenished using school-based funds.

Please note that teacher desks, student tables and chairs, and file cabinets are not Early Childhood Programs-provided furniture. These furniture items are supplied by the HCPSS Purchasing Office. Please visit the Purchasing Inventory Page or call the HCPSS Purchasing Office x6724 if you have any questions about these items.

Visual Inventory

Pre-K Inventory 

Pre-K Inventory Checklist Links to an external site.

Item Image Item Image Item Image
3D Foam Geometric Solid (set of 6) 3d foam geometric solids Animals, Classic Farm Collection farm animals Animals, Classic Forest Collection forest animals
Animals, Classic Ocean Collection ocean animals Animals, Classic Wild Collection wild animals Attribute Block Classroom Kit attribute blocks.jpg
Blocks, Hardwood Unit (set of 100) unit blockd Calendar Pocket Chart Kit calendar Cars, Planes, and Trains Bucket cars, planes, and trains
Classroom Carpet rug Community Block Play People community people for blocks Community Helpers/Career Flashcards community helper flashcards
Counters, Dinosaur dinosaur counters Counters, Size and Color Teddy Bear teddy bear counters Counters, Vehicles vehicles
Design Builders design builders Desktop Sorting Circles desktop sorting circles Early Learning Dictionary dictionary
Easel, Heavy Duty Hardwood (2-sided) easel Fine Motor Indestructible Lacing Cards lacing cards Food Set, Basic Nutrition food set
Giant Foam Floor Pattern Blocks giant foam floor pattern blocks Giant Magnetic Letters - Lowercase lowercase magnetic letters Giant Magnetic Letters - Uppercase uppercase magnetic letters uppercase magnetic letters
Giant Magnetic Numbers magnetic numbers Indesctructible Lacing Cards Kit lacing cards Indestructible Play Dishes, Service for 4 dramatic play dishes
Jumbo Magnetic Numbers & Counters jumbo magnetic numbers and counters Jumbo Nuts & Bolts nuts and bolts KEVA Planks (400) keva planks
Kitchen, Pretend & Play Combo kitchen Lee & Low Classroom Library lee_low.jpg Listening Center w/ 4 headphones listening center
Magic Boards (set of 10) magic board Magic Board, Printing Practice Cards magic board writing practice cards Magnetic Letters Kit (with sorter) magnetic letters kit
Markers, Washable Broad Tip (12 packs) markers Math, Linking Cubes or Katie Cubes linking cubes Math, Plastic Links math links
Math, Unifix Cubes unifix cubes Mirrors: Moods and Emotions (2017) emotion mirrors Mix & Match Magnetic Families download-1.jpg
No More Teaching a Letter a Week (2017) no more teaching a letter a week Newsprint, Easel Paper (18x24, 2 packs) newsprint Paddles, Handheld Dry Erase (set of 12) dry erase paddles
Pattern Blocks pattern blocks Pocket Chart, Adjustable Stand pocket chart adjustable stand Pocket Chart, Heavy Duty pocket chart
Puppets Plush Community Set of 4 community_worker_puppets.jpg Puzzle, Alphabet Train (floor) abc floor puzzle Puzzle, Giant Number Train (floor) number train puzzle
Puzzle, Season or Weather four seasons puzzle Stencils, Giant Letters, Numbers, Shape stencils Table & Chair Set child size table and chairs
Table, Sand & Water; Sand and Water Play Set sand and water table Table, Science science table Tangrams tangrams

Removal of Instructional Materials and Furnishings

Any old or outdated materials may not be placed in school dumpsters for disposal. Please submit a HCPSS Warehouse Pick Up/Delivery Request for these items, then scan and email a copy of that request to Kym Nwosu in Early Childhood Programs. Per Howard County Public School System Policy Policy 4080 Links to an external site., only the Purchasing Office is responsible for the disposal, reutilization or destruction of HCPSS Board property. Please visit our Inventory FAQ for additional information.

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