Early Childhood Handwriting Resource Guide-2
The Early Childhood Handwriting Resource Guide is a collaborative work between general and special education early childhood teachers, occupational therapists, the Office of Early Childhood Programs, and the Office of Early Intervention Services. This guide is intended as a resource, not a program, and is to be used at a team’s discretion to determine the best way to instruct handwriting that meets the needs of students.
The purpose of the resource guide is to:
- provide a resource for research-based differentiated handwriting instruction that takes into account the developmental continuum for prekindergarten- and kindergarten-aged students;
- link handwriting instruction to Maryland Early Learning Progressions and Maryland’s College and Career-Ready English Language Arts Standards for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten;
- provide basic screening tools to assess handwriting readiness;
- provide developmentally appropriate activities for a variety of settings in order to develop fine motor skills and promote handwriting readiness and success;
- provide a guide for proper letter formation using manuscript letters; and,
- inform teachers and other stakeholders of the proper motor skills necessary for writing (i.e. grip/ posture).
Prerequisite Skills
Foundational skills needed for handwriting instruction include:
- cognitive skills at approximately four to five year old level;
- visual perceptual motor skills at approximately four to five year old level;
- adequate fine motor skills;
- adequate hand strength;
- good posture; and,
- functional grasp
( Kindergarten Curriculum Objectives
Maryland’s College and Career-Ready Standards, English Language Arts
W.K.1, W.K.2, W.K.3: use a combination of drawing, dictating, or developmentally appropriate writing to:
- compose opinion pieces;
- compose informative/explanatory text; or,
- narrate a single event.
- L.K.1.a: print many upper and lower case letters.
- L.K.2.e: produce handwriting that is legible to the audience.
Fine Motor Development and Handwriting Modules
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