Developmentally Appropriate Handwriting Instruction-2
Rationale for Letter Progression
Children generally learn to draw in three stages: imitation, copying, and independent writing.
- Imitation: demonstration provided
- Copying: model provided, but no demonstration
- Independent Writing: no model or demonstration
It is felt that children who master copying pre-writing shapes prior to handwriting instruction will have greater success learning correct letter formations.
Pre-writing shapes are learned in a developmental sequence. The following age norms, in developmental sequence, are found in the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth Edition, The (BEERY™ VMI) Administration, Scoring, and Teaching Manual
Pre-writing Shape | Age Norm |
Vertical line | Imitates 2.0 years; Copies 2.10 years |
Horizontal lines | Imitates 2.6 years; Copies 3.0 years |
Circles | Imitates 2.9 years; Copies 3.0 years |
Cross | Imitates 3.6 years; Copies 4.1 years |
Right slanted line | Copies 4.4 years |
Square | Copies 4.6 years |
Left slanted line | Copies 4.7 years |
X | Copies 4.11 years |
Triangle | Copies 5.3 years |
Visual developmental progression for drawing shapes listed above:
Handwriting Curriculum
The Howard County Public Schools suggests teachers guide their instruction using the Zaner-Bloser manuscript. This curriculum has been revised many times over the years and is now considered to be more than adequate for providing developmentally appropriate handwriting instruction. There are numerous teaching tools and products on their website Links to an external site., as well as free samples of teacher edition kits.
Note: some schools choose to use the Handwriting Without Tears program. Please be aware the suggested sequence differs from the one below, and teaches uppercase and lowercase letters separately. See “Curriculum Resource Highlights” below for more information.
Pacing Guide
The recommended sequence for teaching manuscript letters is in the table below (Zaner-Bloser); note that it is recommended that uppercase and lowercase letters are taught at the same time.
During handwriting instruction, it is beneficial to teach letters that follow a developmental progression.
- First, teach letters combining vertical and horizontal lines (i.e.: Ll, Ii, Tt).
- Note: Teach students to form vertical lines from top to bottom and horizontal lines from left to right. Many young children need to be taught this, as developmentally, they typically will draw from the bottom to the top.
- Helpful songs can be found in on the Zaner-Bloser CD-ROM and Handwriting Without Tears program.
- Children who continue with immature habits of bottom to top formations may struggle with letter and number reversals.
- Next, teach letters involving straight and curved lines (i.e.: Oo, Aa, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff).
- Note: Teach students to form backward circles when learning letters such as Cc and Oo. The Zaner-Bloser verbal cue is “circle back”. There are also helpful verbal cues in the Handwriting Without Tears Program Links to an external site. such as “Magic C”.
- Continue with letters that combine straight and curved lines and also some slanted lines (i.e.: Bb, Pp, Rr, Nn, Mm, Hh).
- The last letters to introduce include letters with all or mostly slanted lines. (i.e.: Vv, Yy, Ww, Xx, Kk, Zz).
- Note: Zaner-Bloser verbal cues are “slant right” or “slant left”. There are also helpful verbal cues in the Handwriting Without Tears Program such as “slide down the ladder”.
Frequently Asked Questions
At what pace should teachers present and instruct letters?
- This is going to depend on how quickly students are able to master the letters. Many kindergarten students will be able to master the straight-line letters quickly, but it is still important to monitor their strokes to make sure they are forming the letters with top to bottom direction. A letter per day is probably proceeding too quickly. These letters might be able to be mastered within the first few weeks of school.
- Remember to teach the upper and lower case letters together. Taking time to make sure students have mastered letters is crucial. When students demonstrate the ability to form letters quickly, fluently, and legibly (writing mechanics), they will find it much easier to focus on the process and content of their writing.
- Once students have mastered letters, as evidenced by writing them in isolation during handwriting instruction and practice, then it is appropriate to “hold them accountable” for writing mastered letters correctly when they are focusing on writing their ideas.
Should teachers align handwriting instruction to letter knowledge instruction?
- No, this is not necessary. Handwriting instruction for mechanics of writing should be presented according to fine motor developmental readiness. Refer to No More Letter of the Week and Words Their Way for letter knowledge instruction.
Should teachers grade students on writing mechanics when students are independently writing?
- The most important answer to this question is to consider intention. If the intention for the writing assignment is to produce a few words or a sentence from their own ideas, then teachers should first have students write their thoughts without correction. Then, have students look at their writing and fix any errors with letter formation. As the school year progresses, students can be held more accountable for producing letters previously mastered from the beginning of the year (i.e.: Ll, Ii, Tt, Oo,) while writing their ideas.
Curriculum Highlights
- HCPSS suggested Handwriting Curriculum
- Evidence-based research
- Developmentally appropriate instruction for students in prekindergarten through middle school
- Occupational Therapists were consulted to provide input to this curriculum.
- These consultants include: Jane Case-Smith, Ed.D., OTR/L FAOTA, Mary Benbow, M.S. OTR, Asha Asher, M.A. OTR/L, FAOTA, M.Ed. and North Shore Pediatric Therapy. There also was an Occupational Therapy Advisory Board involved with the development of this curriculum.
- “Tips from an Occupational Therapist” included with basic strokes and letter pages in the Teacher Edition guide.
- Tools for teachers that include ideas to support English Language Learners.
- Multi-sensory lessons that include music, Wikki Stix© instruction, magnetic letters, touch and trace cards, stories and chants
- Online component that reinforces instruction
- Workbooks to reinforce instruction
- Specific language for instruction
- Provides corrective strategies for errors
- Links to an external site.
Handwriting Without Tears
- Introduced and taught in developmental sequence
- Multi-sensory lessons that include use of music and movement, wood pieces and dough for letter formation, and practice with chalk and boards, review and mastery through workbook
- Instruction based on three stages of learning; imitation, copying, and independent writing
- Individual guides by grade with tips, lesson plans for each letter, strategies for identifying and correcting problems or difficulties.
- Links to an external site.
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