Suggested Activities-2

Resource Guide
Suggested Activities

torn paperOn day one of kindergarten it is evident that students vary tremendously in their visual-fine-motor abilities. Fine motor strength and eye-hand coordination are prerequisites for learning to draw shapes and pictures and write letters and numbers. Without adequate visual-perceptual-fine-motor foundational skills, young children will struggle, especially with learning to write letters and numbers.

There are many ways to incorporate building fine motor foundational skills in the classroom to assist all children to be ready to write and draw. It also is developmentally appropriate to incorporate fun learning activities. Some children absolutely NEED multi-sensory strategies to learn, but all children will enjoy them.

Suggested activities can be incorporated into:

  • small groups (guided or independent) during Language Arts or Math;
  • Word Work and Work on Writing (Daily 5™);
  • morning work; or,
  • self-selected activity time (centers).

If using the activities for morning work or during Work on Writing, you may want to consider placing the activities in bins or drawers to make the activities easily accessible and quick to clean up. An example of morning work bins can be view at this teacher's blog Links to an external site.

 In order to plan for the needs of your learners, activity ideas are coded by age:

  • A: all age levels
  • K: kindergarten
  • PK: 4-year olds
  • PS: 3-year olds

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