Kindergarten Inventory FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
Kindergarten Inventory

What should I have in my classroom?

Kindergarten classrooms have a list of inventory supplies purchased by Early Childhood Programs, in addition to classroom furnishings provided by the Purchasing office. Both Canvas pages contained detailed information about classroom inventories, in addition to protocols for classroom reductions and increases.

What do I do with unwanted or outdated materials?

Above all, be careful. All items purchased by the Office of Early Childhood Programs and on the current inventory list are the responsibility of the school. Not having room or not using an item are not valid reasons to get remove curricular items purchased by Early Childhood Programs.

Any old or outdated materials cannot be placed in school dumpsters for disposal. Curricular items that are outdated or are no longer used or approved (e.g., Letter People, Houghton Mifflin Legacy Kindergarten Kits, Little Treasures, Treasures) are example of Outdated Materials that are no longer approved for use and should be sent to the Logistics Center. Please submit a HCPSS Warehouse Pick Up/Delivery Request for these items, then scan and email a copy of that request to Melanie Facchiano, ECP Technical Assistant. Per Howard County Public School System Policy 4080 Links to an external site., only the Purchasing Office is responsible for the disposal, reutilization or destruction of HCPSS Board property.

Please remember, the Logistics Center is not for storage; most items sent there are auctioned to the public. If you need clarification, please ask Early Childhood Programs for assistance.

What are some suggestions for purchases using Materials of Instruction (MOI) funds?

  • Consumable Materials - while blackline masters are available for all Being a Reader and Being a Writer instructional resources, schools may wish to purchase resources rather than reproduce themselves.
  • Read Alouds - the kindergarten Health, Social Studies, and Science units each have suggested read aloud titles that are not purchased by our office, but would support instruction.
  • Inventory Materials - kindergarten classrooms have a list of inventory supplies purchased by our office. As teams shift and reduce/increase in size, these materials often go missing. MOI could be used to replace items; items in the inventory are in alignment with our curriculum.

How Do I Dispose of Outdated or Broken Classroom Items?

Per HCPSS Policy 4080: Disposition of Property Links to an external site., the sale, trade, destruction or disposal of any item that is deemed to no longer have a significant use to the instructional or support programs of the HCPSS is the responsibility of the Purchasing Office and the HCPSS Warehouse (now called Logistics Center).

Anything with an AV tag (i.e., iPad, Chromebook, Listening Center, Osmos) must go through the Web Help Desk Links to an external site.. The Media Specialist can help with this process. Please see below for more information.

Broken classroom items such as furniture, toys, storage bins, curricula, etc. should be disposed of in the following manner, in compliance with HCPSS Policy 4080 Disposition of Property:

  • Work with your secretaries to complete a Warehouse Pick-Up/Delivery Request to send items from the school site to the Logistics Center (if needed package the item(s) in a box for easier transport);
  • Work with your custodian to move the item(s) to an easy to access place for when Logistics arrives for pick up;
  • Communicate with front office staff to inform them Logistics is picking up items and to locate items for easy access.

My Listening Center or IPad is Broken, Now What?

Anything with an AV tag (i.e., iPad, Desktop, Listening Center, Osmos) must go through the Web Help Desk Links to an external site.. Please ask your Media Specialist for help with this process.

  • Listening Center
    • The Web Help Desk will determine whether or not the Listening Center can be fixed and provides the Office of Early Childhood Programs with Camcor warranty and replacement information.
    • If your listening center is within a warranty window, please remove the serial number sticker from the defective unit (not the AV tag), tape it on a piece of paper, and send to Alicia C. Tyler, Office of Early Childhood Programs. Even if the serial number tears into pieces, Camcor still requires the original serial number sticker in order to void the unit and ship a replacement.
    • If a listening center is out of warranty and is determined to be beyond repair, The Office of Early Childhood Programs will provide a new unit, following completion of the proper steps justifying the replacement.
    • Once a replacement unit has been received, please follow the procedures outlined in Policy 4080 for disposal of HCPSS property
  • iPad
    • Please call the HCPSS Technology Help Desk at 410-313-7004 to see if the issue can be resolved.
    • If not, please have your media specialist and/or your technology teacher submit a Web Help ticket under Request Type --> iPad.
    • Carbon Copy Alicia C. Tyler
    • Determine if your iPad is still under AppleCare warranty Links to an external site..
    • Due to KRA technology requirements and the provision of Chromebooks, iPads will be treated as consumable and will not be replaced. Please see the iPad page for more information.

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