1.OA.A.1 - About the Math, Learning Targets, and Increasing Rigor
Grade 1 Number Concepts
Full Standard
Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Measurement Topic
This standard is reported on the report card in these quarters as follows:
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Adds and subtracts to solve word problems.
Report Card Measurement Topic: Adds and subtracts to solve word problems. |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Adds and subtracts to solve word problems. |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Adds and subtracts to solve word problems. |
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of addition. Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of subtraction. |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of addition. Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of subtraction. |
Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of addition. Report Card Measurement Topic: Demonstrates understanding of subtraction. |
About the Math
Skills and concepts below are learning goals for this standard.
- Represent addition and subtraction word problems using objects and drawings
Word problems involve different problem situations. Often students are presented with problems of only one situation. Because of this students, begin to develop procedural approaches to solving problems. Procedural approaches that do not support problem-solving skills include identifying key words. Students should not rely on key words. Instead, students should develop understanding through representations and diagrams including bar diagrams. There is a progression for working with problem-solving in first grade. See below.
- Write an equation for an addition or subtraction word problem with unknown numbers in different positions.
- Explain how an equation represents an addition or subtraction word problem.
From the beginning, students should have their representations connected to equations. These early equations may be teacher generated. In time, students can then develop their own equations. Throughout, equations should be explicitly connected to the problems and representations so that students deeply understand how equations can be used to solve problems.
- Solve word problems with unknown numbers in different positions.
This learning target is grounded in the work of problem-solving with different problem-solving representations. The equation, including the unknown, should be related to the problem and the problem type. See below for the types or situations of problems to focus on throughout the year.
Achieve the Core Progressions documents Links to an external site. provide further clarification regarding problem types at different grade levels as follows:
- Kindergarten should work with the following four problem subtypes: Add To- Result Unknown, Take From- Result Unknown, Put Together/Take Apart- Total Unknown, and Put Together/Take Apart- Both Addends Unknown
- Grade One should work with all problem subtypes. However, the four most difficult problem subtypes are not expected for mastery until Grade 2. These subtypes include Add To- Start Unknown, Take From- Start Unknown, Compare- Bigger Unknown, and Compare- Smaller Unknown
- Grade Two should work with all problem subtypes and mastery is expected with all subtypes at this grade level.
The Problem Solving page has more information about problem-solving structures, situations, and resources.
Progression of Standard within Grade 1
This progression informs how to develop the standard within the grade level. This progression is provided by HCPSS Elementary Mathematics.
Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4 |
Working within 10 is recommended in the first quarter but can be exceeded.
Progression of this Standard Across Grades
This progression is informed by the Achieve the Core Coherence Map Links to an external site.. Information is not the complete standard.
Kindergarten | Grade 2 |
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These tasks can be used with small group or whole group instruction.
- Give each student a part-part-whole mat and 20 counters. Tell them "You have 3 counters. Your teacher gives you 4 more. How many counters do you have now?" Have them model using the mat and counters and write the matching equation. Practice repeating the same problem with various numbers. Then try to tell them a change unknown problem such as "You have 6 counters. Your teacher gives you some more. Now you have 10 counters. How many did your teacher give you?" Have them model using their part-part-whole mat and counters to figure out the missing part and write the matching equation(s). Repeat with the same problem with various number combinations.
- Give each student 20 unifix cubes. Tell them to build a tower that 7 cubes tall. Have them build a second tower that is 4 cubes tall. Ask them to hold up their tower that has more cubes. Have them compare their towers next to each other and ask "How many more cubes does the taller tower have?" Have them solve it and write the matching equation(s). Repeat with various numbers having them using their cubes to build and compare and writing the matching equation(s).
- Tell students the answer to a question is 6 cookies. Ask them what the question could be have them practice telling and writing their own word problems. You can post their word problems in the classroom around the answer and change the answer every so often and have them come up with new word problems.
Gail and Bill found 12 seashells on the beach. Some of them were shaped like cones. The rest of them were shaped like half circles. How many could have been shaped like cones? How many could have been shaped like half circles?
Maria has eight more crayons than Brian. Maria has 10 crayons. How many crayons does Brian have? Use this answer to solve the next question.
Ana has 4 crayons. If she puts her crayons with Brian and Maria’s crayons, will they have enough crayons to fill a box that holds 16 crayons? How do you know?
Jim had sixteen toy cars. He went to the toy store with his father. His father bought him some more cars. When Jim got home, he counted his cars and then he had 20. How many cars did his father buy for him?
On Monday, Cara made 5 cupcakes. On Tuesday, Cara made some more. She had 11 cupcakes altogether. How many cupcakes did Cara make on Tuesday?
These links are HCPSS created instructional tasks. These tasks are provided in Google slides. These tasks should be used for inspiration and resources, but instruction should start with students having the opportunity to engage with the math first (often involving physical and/or visual models) followed by discussion and explicit instruction to ensure student understanding.
Module 3 • Word Problems (Result Unknown) and Basic Facts (+0/-0)
Represent and Solve Problems- Result Unknown:
- Community Questions Links to an external site. (addition)
- Chicken Coop Links to an external site. (addition)
- Frogs in a Pond Links to an external site. (addition)
- Zoo Visit Links to an external site. (addition)
- How Many Diamonds? Links to an external site. (subtraction)
- Chicks Links to an external site. (subtraction)
- Sweet Treats Links to an external site. (subtraction)
- Fruit Festival Links to an external site. (subtraction)
- The Big Move Links to an external site. (addition and subtraction)
Module 6 • Word Problems (Change Unknown), Place Value, And Basic Facts (Make Ten/Subtract from Ten)
Represent and Solve Problems- Change Unknown:
Module 7 • Word Problems (Comparison)
Represent and Solve Problems (these are mainly comparison with some result and change unknown opportunities):
Module 9 • Word Problems and Basic Facts (Doubles/Halves)
Represent and Solve Problems:
- Sliding Into Winter Word Problems Links to an external site. (comparison)
- Will You Be Mine? Links to an external site. (comparison) Links to an external site.
- Problem Solving Links to an external site. (change and result unknown)
- Problem Solving #2 Links to an external site. (change and result unknown)
- Problem Solving #3 Links to an external site. (mixed problem types)
Module 13 • Word Problems (Start Unknown) and Basic Facts (Add 10/Subtract 10)
Represent and Solve Problems, Start Unknown:
- Blowing Bubbles Links to an external site.
- Sharks and Minnows Links to an external site.
- Bird Nest Links to an external site.
Represent and Solve Problems, Other Problem Types:
Additional Tasks
These links provide instructional ideas connected to this standard. [NOTE: NCTM membership required for access to Illuminations lessons.]
- Measuring Blocks Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Link-Cube Addition Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Boys and Girls, Variation 2 Links to an external site. (Illustrative Math)
- 20 Tickets Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Field Day Scarcity Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- School Supplies Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Boys and Girls, Variation 1 ( Links to an external site. Illustrative Math)
- At the Park Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Maria’s Marbles Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Sharing Markers Links to an external site.(Illustrative Math)
- Finding a Chair Links to an external site. (Illustrative Math)
- The Pet Snake Links to an external site. (Illustrative Math)
- Modeling Subtraction Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations)
- Solving Math Word Problems Links to an external site. (Achieve the Core Lesson)
- Do it With Dominoes Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations Lesson)
- How Many More Fish? Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations Lesson)
- Take Away Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations Lesson)
- Comparing Connecting Cubes Links to an external site. (NCTM Illuminations Lesson)
- More Problems and Ideas from the Problem Solving Page
Tasks From Print Resources
These publications have been provided for each school. They are typically stored in team closets or the media center. Check with your team leader if you cannot find them.
Book Thumbnail | Book Title | Grade | Pages |
Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics | K-3 | Make a Two-More-Than Set, Activity 2.11, Page 45 Covered Parts, Activity 2.18, Page 50 Missing-Part Cards, Activity 2.19, Page 50 Missing-Part Subtraction, Activity 3.2, Page 74 Expanded Lesson Two-More-Than/Two-Less-Than, Page 63-64 |
Brain Compatible Activities for Mathematics
K-1 | (30-32, 33-35, 44-49) | |
Developing Mathematics with Unifix Cubes: |
(78-85), Lizard Land Money Game (60-63) 78-85), It's Tax Time in Hawaii 3-0 (68-69), |
Roads to Reasoning |
1 |
Action Figures (16-19), Nick's Age (62-63), Cookies and Milk (66-67), Fly Away (20-21) |
Math In Practice Teaching First-Grade Math |
1 |
Module 1 |
These print resources can be used during independent or center time. These resources could also be used as lesson seeds.
- Combinations Download Combinations (HCPSS-adapted resource)
- Packing Yogurt Download Packing Yogurt (HCPSS-adapted resource)
- Same Sum Dominoes Download Same Sum Dominoes (HCPSS-adapted resource)
Independent Practice/HOmEWoRK/Assessment
These resource sheets can be used for independent practice, homework, or assessment. They are intended to reinforce procedures and concepts. They should not be used as a source of direct instruction or whole-group practice.
Result Unknown:
- Word Problems Result Unknown a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown b Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown c Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown d Links to an external site. Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown f Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown g Links to an external site.
- Word Problem Result Unknown h Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown i Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown j Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result Unknown k Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Results Unknown l Links to an external site.
Change Unknown:
- Word Problems Change Unknown a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Change Unknown b Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Change Unknown d Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Change Unknown e Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Change Unknown h Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result and Change Unknown a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result and Change Unknown b Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Result and Change Unknown c Links to an external site.
Addends Unknown: Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Addends Unknown a Links to an external site. Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Addends Unknown B Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Addends Unknown C Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Addends and Change Unknown Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison c Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison d Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison e Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison f Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison g Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison h Links to an external site.
- Word Problem Comparison i Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison j Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Comparison k Links to an external site.
Start Unknown:
- Word Problems Start Unknown a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Start Unknown b Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Start Unknown c Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Start Unknown d Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Start Unknown e Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Mixed a Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Mixed b Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Mixed c Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Mixed d Links to an external site.
- Word Problems Mixed e Links to an external site.
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Full Standard
Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Measurement Topic
The standard is reported on the report card through these measurement topics. Expand the measurement topic for a description of what students who meet expectation are able to do.
First Grade Students Learning First Grade Standards by Measurement Topic
Adds and subtracts to solve word problems
Quarter 1
- Model accurately addition and subtraction result unknown problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown story problem.
- Solve addition and subtraction result unknown problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 2
- Model accurately addition and subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown, change unknown and comparison story problem.
- Solve addition and subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 3
- Model accurately addition and subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown, change unknown and comparison story problem.
- Solve addition and subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 4
- Model accurately addition and subtraction result, change, start unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings, and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings, and/or equations) connects/matches to the result, change, and start unknown, and comparison story problem.
- Solve result unknown, change unknown, start unknown, and comparison word problems accurately within 20 with the unknown number in different positions.
Kindergarten Students Learning 1st Grade Standards by Measurement Topic
Demonstrates understanding of addition
Quarter 2
- Model accurately addition result and change unknown problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown story problem.
- Solve addition result and change unknown problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 3
- Model accurately addition result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown, change unknown and comparison story problem.
- Solve addition result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 4
- Model accurately addition result unknown, change unknown, start unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings, and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings, and/or equations) connects/matches to the result, change, and start unknown, and comparison story problem.
- Solve addition result unknown, change unknown, start unknown, and comparison word problems accurately within 20.
Demonstrates understanding of subtraction
Quarter 2
- Model accurately subtraction result and change unknown problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown story problem.
- Solve subtraction result and change unknown problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 3
- Model accurately subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings and/or equations) connects/matches to the result unknown, change unknown and comparison story problem.
- Solve subtraction result unknown, change unknown, and comparison problems accurately within 20.
Quarter 4
- Model accurately subtraction result unknown, change unknown, start unknown, and comparison problems within 20 using objects, drawings, and/or equations.
- Explain how the representation (i.e. objects, drawings, and/or equations) connects/matches to the result, change, and start unknown, and comparison story problem.
- Solve subtraction result, change, comparison, and start unknown word problems accurately within 20.
1OA1 Anecdotal Data Collection Tool Links to an external site.
Visit the SBIR (Standards Based Instruction and Reporting) page in Course Essentials for more information and clarification.
Rubric (for thinking and reasoning evidence)
Use this rubric for observation and constructed responses (tasks that require explanation, justification, and/or representation).
Rubric for Tasks (pdf) Links to an external site.
Exemplars for this standard
Use the links below to access a task for this standard as well as student work samples that are examples of what it might look like for a student who MEETS EXPECTATIONS, is MAKING PROGRESS, and/or is MAKING LIMITED/NO PROGRESS.
Word Problem Result Unknown h
Printable Task Word Problems Change Unknown c Links to an external site.
Student Exemplars Links to an external site.
Printable Task Word Problems Comparison d Links to an external site.
Student Exemplars Links to an external site.
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Links to an external site. license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.