Grade 5 GT 2024-2025 Scope and Sequence
Elementary Mathematics Grade 5 GT Mathematics • 2024-2025
Scope and Sequence
More than 80% of instructional time is focused on major content. Standards have been organized into modules.
Timing guidelines are recommended to guide weekly instruction. Specific decisions should be made based on the needs of students.
The sections below identify instructional focus (standards) for each module. Standards are linked to full standards pages. These pages provide the instructional resources needed for instruction, independent work and assessment.
First Semester: Quarters 1 and 2
Module 1 • Quarter 1 • Getting to Know My Math Students
Two Weeks • August 26 - September 6
This module focuses on who our students are as learners and mathematicians.
- Learn about students' math identities to begin to foster productive dispositions towards mathematics.
- Engage students in mathematical tasks and make observations of students.
- Build a math community.
Module 2 • Quarter 1 • Ratio and Proportion
Two Weeks • September 9 - September 20
In this module, students will
- Differentiate between additive and multiplicative reasoning (part-to-whole and part-to-part) 6.RP.1
- Solve real-world problems with ratio. 6.RP.3 Note: Avoid problems with unit rates until they are introduced.
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Begin the module with understanding ratios (6RP1). Then, solve problems using ratios (6RP3).
- Other Notes-- This is the first of three modules working with Ratio and Proportion standards. Please look ahead to understand how the content unfolds over the 6 weeks.
Module 3 • Quarter 1 • Unit Rate
Two Weeks • September 23 - October 4
In this module, students will
- Identify unit rates 6.RP.2
- Solve real-world problems with unit rates 6.RP.2
- Compute and find unit rates to solve real-world problems 7.RP.1
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Week 1: Understand and use unit rates (6RP2). Week 2: Use unit rates to solve problems (7RP1).
Module 4 • Quarter 1 • Percent
Two Weeks • October 7 - October 17
In this module, students will
- Solve real-world problems with ratio, rate and percent 6.RP.3
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Week 1 and 2: Introduce percent and solve problems involving ratio, rate and and percent (6RP3).
Module 5 • Quarter 1 • Fractions and Decimals
Two Weeks • October 21 - November 1
In this module, students will
- Order fractions and decimals 6.NS.7
- Add and subtract fractions and decimals 7.NS.1
- Multiply and divide fractions and decimals 7.NS.2
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Begin the module with reviewing the ordering of fractions and decimals (6NS7). Then, add and subtract with fractions and decimals (7NS1). Finally, multiply and divide with fractions and decimals (7NS2).
- Other Notes-- These concepts are review of previously learned content and prepares students for upcoming work with 7EE3 and 7NS3 (not in this module).
Module 6 • Quarter 2 • Positive and Negative Numbers
Two Weeks • November 4 - November 15
In this module, students will
- Identify and represent positive and negative numbers 6.NS.5
- Describe absolute value 6.NS.7
- Represent positive and negative numbers on number lines and as ordered pairs 6.NS.6
- Solve real-world problems by graphing points on the coordinate plane 6.NS.8
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Begin the module with understanding and representing positive and negative numbers (6NS5). Then, work with absolute value (6NS7). Next, represent rational numbers on number lines and as ordered pairs (6NS6). Finally, solve problems involving the coordinate plane (6NS8).
- Other Notes--Operations with integers are not included here, they will follow in the next two modules.
Module 7 • Quarter 2 • Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
Two Weeks • November 18 - December 6
In this module, students will
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- The majority of the time in the module should be spent developing an understanding of adding and subtracting integers (7NS1). Save a few days at the end of the two weeks to apply that understanding (7NS3).
Module 8 • Quarter 2 • Four Operations Rational Numbers
Three Weeks • December 9 - January 10
In this module, students will
- Multiply and divide integers 7.NS.2
- Use any operation to solve problems (including two-step problems) with rational numbers 7.NS.3
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Week 1: Multiply and divide integers (7NS2). Weeks 2 and 3: Solve problems (all four operations) with positive and negative rational numbers, including fractions and decimals (7NS3).
Module 9 • Quarters 2 and 3 • Properties and Problem Solving with Rational Numbers
Four Weeks • January 13 - February 6
In this module, students will
- Apply properties to linear expressions 7.EE.1
- Add and subtract positive and negative rational numbers 7.EE.3
- Multiply and divide positive and negative rational numbers 7.EE.3
- Use the four operations to solve problems with rational numbers 7.EE.3
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Week 1: Apply properties to linear expressions (7EE1). Week 2: Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of positive and negative rational numbers (7EE3). Week 3: Solve problems involving multiplication and division of positive and negative rational numbers (7EE3). Week 4: Solve problems involving the four operations of positive and negative rational numbers (7EE3).
Second Semester: Quarters 3 and 4
Module 10 • Quarter 3 • Expressions
Three Weeks • February 10 - February 28
In this module, students will
- Rewrite expressions in different forms 7.EE.2
- Solve problems by rewriting expressions in different forms 7.EE.2
- Continue to use the four operations to solve problems with rational numbers 7.EE.3
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Week 1: Solve problems by rewriting expressions (7EE2). Weeks 2 and 3: Solve multi-step problems using expressions and equations, all operations with all types of rational numbers (7EE3).
Module 11 • Quarter 3 • Inequalities
Two Weeks • March 3 - March 14
In this module, students will
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Begin writing inequalities to represent problems (6EE8). Then, use inequalities to solve problems (7EE4).
Module 12 • Quarter 3 • Geometric Figures
Three Weeks • March 17 - April 4
In this module, students will
- Draw and construct geometric shapes 7.G.2
- Relate equations and inequalities to known and unknown angles 7.G.5
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Begin the module with drawing and constructing shapes (7G2). Then, relate equations and inequalities to known and unknown angles (7G5).
- Other Notes-- Many of the resources on these standard pages are from Open Up: Illustrative Math and Desmos. Below are resources on how to use DESMOS.
An Introduction to DESMOS Links to an external site. (video 5minutes)
How to Set Up DESMOS Links to an external site. (video 10minutes) -How to create a teacher account, start an activity for students, and the basics of the teacher dashboard, including adding a co-teacher to an activity.
Desmos Beginner Sessions (PDF) Download Desmos Beginner Sessions (PDF)
Module 13 • Quarter 4 • Area, Volume, and Surface Area
Four Weeks • April 7 - May 9
In this module, students will:
- Describe and find circumference and area of a circle 7.G.4
- Find surface area 6.G.4
- Solve problems involving area, volume and surface area. 7.G.6
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Weeks 1 and 2: Circumference and area of a circle (7G4). Week 3: Find surface area (6G4). Week 4: Solve problems involving area, volume and surface area (7G6).
- Other Notes-- Many of the resources on these standard pages are from Open Up: Illustrative Math and Desmos. See directions in the Module 12 expander above as needed.
Module 14 • Quarter 4 • Data and Statistics
Three Weeks • May 12 - May 30
In this module, students will
- Recognize statistical questions 6.SP.1
- Display data with line plots, dot plots 6.SP.4
- Interpret and find median, mean, and range 6.SP.2
- Interpret and determine central tendencies and variations 6.SP.3
- Interpret and display data with line plots and dot plots. 6.SP.5
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- This module uses resources from Open Up Resources: Illustrative Mathematics and Desmos. These platforms allow students to engage with the Data and Statistics standards in a dynamic manner. The resources are linked to the standard pages listed above. Select a few lessons from each standard page in order as follows: 6SP1, 6SP4, 6SP2, 6SP3, and 6SP5from to fill the three weeks of instruction.
Module 15 • Quarter 4 • Problem Solving with Rational Numbers
Two Weeks • June 2 - June 11
In this module, students will revisit critical content that
- Use any operation to solve problems (including two-step problems) with rational numbers 7.NS.3
Notes About the Module:
- Recommended Timing Guidelines-- Weeks 1 and 2: Use any operation to solve problems with rational numbers (7NS3).
- Other Notes-- Lessons for this module use Desmos.
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