Early Childhood Book Studies

early childhood programs
Book Studies

Book studies are an opportunity for early childhood educators and other related staff members to engage in professional learning and discussions around a specific topic of teaching and learning. Title selections align to the domains of learning and include: Language and Literacy, Mathematics, Social Foundations, and Physical Well-Being and Motor Development. Study groups can include general educators, special educators, paraeducators, related service providers, content support teachers, administrators, and other related stakeholders.

Book studies were developed in collaboration with the Office of Early Childhood, the Office of Early Intervention Services, general educators, special educators, and related service providers. Studies include reading, discussion, and action commitments. Interested teams or study groups can download study guides and borrow books from the Office of Early Childhood. Please contact the Office of Early Childhood Programs for title availability.

Language and Literacy 

 Essential Practices in Early and Elementary Literacy. Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) General Education Leadership Network (GELN) Early Literacy Task Force; Lansing, MI.


  No More Teaching a Letter a Week. McKay, R. & Teale, W.H. (2015).


Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

 Early Childhood Handwriting Resource Guide. Howard County Public School System (2017).



 Choice Time: How to Deepen Learning Through Inquiry and Play, PreK-2. Dinnerstein, R. (2016).


Social Foundations

 Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Handling, Preventing, and Responding Effectively. Kaiser, B., & Rasminsky, J.S. (2016).

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