Grade 1 • Music How to Support Your Child

Grade 1 Music

How To Support Your Child

Music is a wonderful way for families to connect and spend time together!  Here are some strategies to help set your child up for success in the music classroom.

  • Listen to a wide range of music with your child and discuss what is heard.
  • Explore the music found at home, such as records, tapes, CD collections, library collections, radio, and television programs.
  • Teach your child to sing songs that are familiar to you.
  • Encourage your child to sing and teach you songs learned at school.
  • If you play a musical instrument, play for your child frequently.
  • Encourage your child to explore and create movement which reflects his or her feelings toward a wide variety of music.
  • Encourage your child to make instruments at home and share them with classmates and the music teacher.
  • Help your child discover ways music is used in different cultures.