Grade 3 • Instructional Technology What Your Child Will Learn
Grade 3 • Family and Community Resources Overview
Grade 3 • English Language Arts
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts Overview
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts What Your Child Will Learn
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Parent Video Library
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts How to Support Your Child
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • How to Pick a Book
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • What is IDR (Independent Daily Reading)?
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Decoding
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Vocabulary
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Comprehension
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Writing
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Fluency
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts • Speaking and Listening
- Page Grade 3 • Language Arts Resources
Grade 3 • Mathematics
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics Overview
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics What Your Child Will Learn
- Page Grade 3 • Parent Video Library
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics How to Support Your Child
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Multiplication and Division
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Geometry
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Basic Facts
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Measurement and Data
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Fractions
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics • Whole Numbers
- Page Grade 3 • Mathematics Resources
Grade 3 • Science
Grade 3 • Social Studies
Grade 3 • Health
Grade 3 • Physical Education
Grade 3 • Media
Grade 3 • Visual Art
Grade 3 • Music
Grade 3 • Instructional Technology
Grade 3 Instructional Technology
What Your Child Will Learn
Empowered Learner
- Files & Folders - delete, rename, save in multiple locations, locate and retrieve files from various locations, create folders in order to organize files.
- Use special function keys: caps lock, escape, command, control, fn, tab, windows, multi-function keys, alt, print screen, screenshot.
- Recognize and use icons to perform computer and software functions: alignment, bullets, numbering, textbox, fullscreen.
- Use text to speech.
- Insert and eject input devices (i.e., CD/DVD, flash drive, SD Card, VGA Adapter).
- Use mouse/trackpad to right-click/control+click on a computer.
- Troubleshoot common technology problems: sound input and output.
- Know and use a bookmarking system (i.e., teacher chosen - bookmarks, favorites, online bookmarking tools, hand-out folder, learning management system).
- Access a webpage by typing in the URL Bar.
- Save or copy documents and/or images from a website: screenshot and right-click/control-click.
- Login to web-based tools and subscription sites.
- Conduct a web search by using an approved search engine.
- Choose appropriate page/slide formatting features: orientation, borders, headers/footers.
- Create original or edit existing images.
- Insert, move, and resize an image in a document or presentation.
- Use the spell check, grammar check, word count, and thesaurus.
- Format text, lists, or paragraphs: bullets, numbers/numbered lists.
- Select or insert multimedia (i.e., video, images, sounds, narration).
- Choose a slide format.
- Rearrange slides using slide sorter or a storyboard feature to organize the document.
- Select a cell; enter or edit data in a cell.
- Format cell: font size, style, color, alignment.
- Preview, set print area, and print spreadsheets and graphs.
- Apply pre-production organizational concepts (i.e., venn diagram, flow chart, storyboard).
- Choose an appropriate organizer for a task.
- Create a graphic organizer.
- Use pictures and/or text to organize ideas.
- Develop an understanding of appropriate keyboarding positions.
- Type or enter text/numbers combinations.
- Type at least 10 WPM.
Digital Citizen
- Understand that information that is put online creates a permanent footprint.
- Communicate clearly and effectively using digital devices.
- Identify strategies for creating strong, secure passwords and its importance in cybersecurity.
Knowledge Constructor
- Identify, obtain, and use information from electronic data sources such as databases and the Internet.
- Solve real-world problems using technology as a tool.
- Make informed decisions using technology as a tool.
Innovative Designer
- Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Computational Thinker
- Identify how coding is used to solve a real-world problem.
- Break down a problem into smaller manageable parts and identify key information.
- Use patterns and trends in data to inform decisions
- Compare and contrast 2 solutions.
Creative Communicator
- Become familiar with keyboarding functions.
- Use word processing software to create and print documents.
- Use a graphics program to create an original picture.
- Create a document that includes words and pictures.
- Use a graphing program, with assistance, to construct tables and graphs.
- Create a multimedia presentation using various features (such as text and images).
- Recognize technology’s role in telecommunication.
- Communicate ideas or information using technology.
- Use various media and formats for multiple purposes.
- Collaborate in pairs or groups to develop technology-based presentations or products for content-related topics using digital audio, photos, and images (e.g., interact via videoconferencing or blogging with young adult authors, musicians, artists, or scientists to collaborate on a multimedia product with teacher facilitation).
- Interact via videoconferencing or blogging.
- Collaborate in pairs or groups to develop technology-based presentations or products for content-related topics using digital audio, photos, and images.
- Create and edit products in a variety of media environments (e.g., presentations, newsletter, video, annotated calendar, wiki) to effectively communicate individual and group curriculum activities, ideas, or results to multiple audiences.
Global Collaborator
- Use technology communications tools (e.g., online forums, blogs, email, text messaging, chat, voice over IP (VoIP), videoconferencing) to interact with students or experts from other cultures, communities, or countries on a collaborative, content-specific activity or project.
- Working in pairs or small groups with assigned roles, use digital tools to explore specific subject-related concepts or content and present problem solutions or create original works using appropriate tools (e.g., animation and drawing software, visual data tools, graphic organizers, simulation development tools, programming languages, video camera, editing software, music software)
- Working in pairs or small groups with assigned roles, use digital tools to explore specific subject-related concepts or content and present problem solutions or create original works using appropriate tools - simulations
- Working in pairs or small groups with assigned roles, use digital tools to explore specific subject-related concepts or content and present problem solutions or create original works using appropriate tools - drawing software
Revised: 10/2019
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