Grade 3 • Language Arts • Writing

Grade 3 Language Arts



Your child will write for various audiences addressing a variety of purposes: to inform or explain, to persuade, and to express personal ideas. They will control sentence structure, word choice, and the conventions of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.  The Being a Writer program is designed to help students build these writing skills. Throughout the program students hear and discuss examples of good writing and use it as a model to draft, revise, and publish their own writing.  The program also helps the class become a community of writers in which everyone feels welcome. 

Third Grade Writing Units

  • The Writing Community
  • The Writing Process
  • Personal Narrative
  • Fiction
  • Expository Nonfiction
  • Functional Writing
  • Opinion Writing
  • Poetry
  • Revisiting the Writing Community

Writing Tips

  • Encourage your child to write often.
  • Provide an area in your home for writing with special materials (pencils, different types of paper, markers, envelopes).
  • Praise your child’s writing.
  • Share letters and cards from friends and relatives with your child.
  • Encourage journal writing for special occasions (trips, family events, planning a birthday party).
  • Have your child help you compose shopping lists, notes and letters to friends, and invitations.
  • Encourage your child to write stories.
  • Allow your child to take risks on a rough draft. Be your child’s partner for changing and correcting his or her writing.
  • Encourage your child to write thank you notes, invitations, letters to others, lists of things to do, and items to take on a trip.

 Handwriting Tips and resources

 Writing Samples

 Writing Expectations

Writing Activities