Grade 3 • Music What Your Child Will Learn
At all levels, music education in Howard County focuses on these three artistic processes:
- Performing: Realizing artistic ideas and work through individual or ensemble performance or presentation
- Creating: Conceiving and developing artistic ideas through music-making while connecting to historical, contextual, and personal events
- Responding: Synthesis of meaning, context, and process through interaction with, and connection to the musical world
Musical concepts are carefully sequenced through kinesthetic, aural, and visual experiences. The student's singing voice is the primary instrument and developed throughout the elementary general music curriculum. In third grade, students may elect to join the orchestra program at their school.
Melody and Pitch
- Describe sounds heard with attention to pitch.
- Distinguish between major and minor modes presented aurally.
- Sing from memory a varied repertoire of songs representing different genres and styles from diverse cultures.
- Read simple pitch notation on the treble staff in the Key of C using solfeggio or a comparable system.
Harmony and Texture
- Distinguish between major and minor modes presented aurally.
- Sing two- and three-part rounds.
- Perform ostinati to support given melodies.
- Differentiate between blending and non-blending voices.
Tone Color
- Categorize by sound, synthesized, and acoustic instruments.
- Listen to, perform and describe music with accelerando, ritardando and fermata.
- Demonstrate ability to maintain a steady beat through singing, speaking and playing classroom instruments.
- Describe sounds heard with attention to tempo.
- Sing and play a variety of music at given tempos using clear diction.
- Perform simple and compound meter.
- Perform accurately simple rhythm at sight from standard notation (whole note, half note, quarter note, whole rest, half rest, quarter rest and two connected eighth note).
- Create movement patterns to communicate meaning or feeling in music.
- Conduct music in duple meter (two measures).
- Describe sounds heard with attention to dynamics.
- Identify D, C, al Fine, Coda, and 1st and 2nd endings.