Grade K • Science What Your Child Will Learn
Science and Engineering Practices
The eight Science and Engineering Practices describe the behaviors and habits of mind that are necessary to make students' knowledge of content more meaningful. Developing skills in these practices supports a better understanding of how scientific knowledge is produced and how engineering solutions are developed.
- Ask questions (for science) and define problems (for engineering).
- Develop and use models.
- Plan and carry out investigations.
- Analyze and interpret data.
- Use mathematical thinking.
- Construct explanations (for science) and design solutions (for engineering).
- Engage in argument (discussion of opinion) based on evidence.
- Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information.
Core Ideas
Scientists and Engineers
- Scientists and engineers have different responsibilities but work together to solve problems.
- Scientists investigate the world around them and gather evidence related to questions asked.
- Engineers work to design solutions to problems using the Engineering Design Process.
- Both careers use a variety of tools to support their work.
Download the Kindergarten, Quarter 1 Parent Preview to further explore key ideas, preview vocabulary, and make home connections.
- GK.Q1 Parent Preview, English Download GK.Q1 Parent Preview, English
- GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Chinese Download GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Chinese
- GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Korean Download GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Korean
- GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Spanish Download GK.Q1 Parent Preview, Spanish
- Sunlight warms the Earth’s surface.
- Weather is a combination of sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a certain place at a certain time.
- People measure weather conditions and notice patterns over time.
- Some kinds of severe weather are more likely in some areas, and communities can use forecasts to prepare and respond to these events.
Download the Kindergarten, Quarter 2 Parent Preview to further explore key ideas, preview vocabulary, and make home connections.
- GK.Q2 Parent Preview, English Download GK.Q2 Parent Preview, English
- GK.Q2 Parent Preview, Korean Download GK.Q2 Parent Preview, Korean
- GK.Q2 Parent Preview, Spanish Download GK.Q2 Parent Preview, Spanish
Forces and Interactions: Pushes and Pulls
- Pushes and pulls can have different strengths and directions.
- Pushing or pulling on an object can change the speed or direction of its motion.
- When objects touch or collide, they push on one another and can change motion.
- A bigger push or pull can make things speed up or slow down more quickly.
- People can solve problems through engineering.
Download the Kindergarten, Quarter 3 Parent Preview to further explore key ideas, preview vocabulary, and make home connections.
- GK.Q3 Parent Preview, English Download GK.Q3 Parent Preview, English
- GK.Q3 Parent Preview, Korean Download GK.Q3 Parent Preview, Korean
- GK.Q3 Parent Preview, Spanish Download GK.Q3 Parent Preview, Spanish
Relationships in the Ecosystem: Animals, Plants, and Their Environment
- All animals need food in order to live and grow.
- Plants and animals can change their environment.
- Living things need water, air, and resources from the land.
- Humans use natural resources for everything they do.
- People can make choices to reduce their impact on the land, water, air and other living things.
Download the Kindergarten, Quarter 3 Parent Preview to further explore key ideas, preview vocabulary, and make home connections.