Ready for Kindergarten • Kindergarten Readiness Assessment

Grade K Ready For Kindergarten

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?

The cognitive and social skills, knowledge, and behaviors that enable children to successfully participate in school sets the stage for future learning. There are many different skills and behaviors that children learn from birth that sets the stage for future school success.

Some of these skills include, but are not limited to:

Language & Literacy

  • speaking clearly
  • talking and listening to adults and other children
  • retelling, sequencing, and engaging in familiar stories
  • identifying letter names and some letter sounds
  • recognizing rhyming words
  • identifying the first sound in a word (exp: /b/ in bat)
  • writing their first name

Physical Well-being & Motor Development

  • running, jumping, climbing, and playing catch
  • buttoning a shirt or zipping up a jacket;
  • using scissors appropriately;
  • creating drawings with details and varied colors;
  • writing numbers and letters;
  • using health skills such as getting a tissue for a runny nose or washing their hands after using the restroom;
  • using safety skills such as recognizing safe adults or saying their address


  • counting groups of objects
  • sorting by color, size, or shape
  • solving simple word problems (exp: There are 2 dogs and 1 cat. How many animals are there?)
  • identifying who has more or less
  • counting to 20
  • identifying simple shapes such as circle, triangle, rectangle, and square.

Social Foundations

  • getting along with others
  • following rules, routines, and multi-step directions
  • moving from one task to another with little difficulty
  • staying on task and maintaining attention for small periods of time
  • flexible thinking
  • impulse control
  • persistence and problem-solving