Grade K • Mathematics • Geometry
- Attributes: a characteristic of an object that students use to define the object (e.g., thin, thick, small, large, 3 sides, 4 sides, etc.)
- Two-Dimensional (flat): the outline of a shape such as a triangle, square, or rectangle
- Circle: a closed round figure
- Rectangle: a shape with four sides and four square corners
- Square: a rectangle that has four equal sides
- Triangle: a shape with three sides and three corners
- Hexagon: a shape with six sides
- Three-Dimensional: a solid figure
- Face: the flat surface of a solid figure
- Side: line segments of shapes
- Cube: a solid with 6 faces all the same size
- Rectangular Prism: a solid with two identical rectangular bases
- Cone: a solid with one curved surface, one flat surface that comes to a point
- Cylinder: a solid with one curved surface and two identical circle bases
- Whole: all, everything, total amount
- Go on a shape hunt outside, ask your student to name the shapes of doors, windows, bicycle wheels, etc.
- Ask your student to identify the shapes of various road signs while traveling in the car.
- Talk with your student about the various shapes of items packaged in the grocery store.
- Build with blocks. Discuss what shapes were used to create the structure.
- Look around your home for solid shapes. Name at least 3 solid shapes.
- Look around your home for flat shapes. Draw at least three of the shapes.
- Look around your home for circles. Count them and record how many you found.
- Use marshmallows and bendy straws, toothpicks, or pipe cleaners to build as many shapes as you can. Record the names of your shapes.
- Make a picture using 2 circles, 3 triangles, & 1 rectangle. Describe to a friend how you made it.
- Explore position words. Use toys to model before, after, above, below, and beside. Describe using attributes, such as "the blue car is behind the red car."