Grade K • Mathematics • Number Concepts

Grade K Mathematics

Number Concepts

Number Concepts Vocabulary

  • Number: a word, symbol, or figure that represents a quantity
  • Place Value: the value of the place of the digit in a number
  • Digit: a symbol used to show a number
  • Greater: bigger, more
  • Less: smaller, fewer
  • Equal: having the same value or amount
  • Cardinality: the number of items in a set

Number Concepts Activities 

  • Count objects such as jellybeans in a bowl, pennies in a jar, cheerios in a baggie, etc.
  • Find numbers on common objects such as license plates, highway signs, price tags, clothing, etc.
  • Practice counting with your student while doing various activities-driving in the car, jumping rope, waiting in line at a store, etc. Challenge your student to start counting at a given number, such as 13 or 28.
  • Use cards to compare numbers (remove the face cards). Have each player take a card; identify who has more, less, or if the values are equal.
  • Count how many eggs are in an egg carton. How many more are needed to fill the carton?
  • Put items such as socks, stickers, toys, food, etc. into groups and talk about which group has more or less items using the terms greater than and less than.
  • Roll a die and count the dots. Say the number. What number comes before? What number comes after? Can your student subitize (that is, say how many dots on the die without counting)? Play with two dice and count the total.


Independent Practice