Grade 2 • Instructional Technology What Your Child Will Learn

Grade 2 Instructional Technology

What Your Child Will Learn

Empowered Learner

  • Files & folders - Retrieve files from teacher-chosen location: Google Classroom, Learning Management System.
  • Troubleshoot Computer/Mobile Device (i.e., power cords/battery, network connections, printer (out of paper or toner), case, peripheral connections ).
  • Save or copy documents and/or images from a website: drag and drop .
  • Create a new blank document .
  • Add text (i.e., label or caption) to describe an image .
  • Cut, copy, and paste text.
  • Select and edit text: highlight and alignment.
  • Insert, edit, and use text box features (i.e., rotate, resize, borders).
  • Use devices to take digital images and record video (i.e., digital camera, webcam, video camera, doc camera ).
  • Develop an understanding of appropriate keyboarding positions.
  • Type first and last name .
  • Type or enter text/numbers combinations .

Digital Citizen

  • Develop a set of rules that outline the roles and responsibilities within an online community

Knowledge Constructor

  • Identify, obtain, and use information from electronic data sources such as databases and the Internet.
  • Solve real-world problems using technology as a tool.
  • Make informed decisions using technology as a tool.

Innovative Designer

  • Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Computational Thinker

  • Identify how coding is used in my life.
  • Break down a problem into smaller manageable parts
  • Identify patterns and trends.
  • Combine 3 elements of coding to reach a goal

Creative Communicator

  • Use word processing software to create and print documents.
  • Use a graphics program to create an original picture.
  • Create a document that includes words and pictures.
  • Use a graphing program, with assistance, to construct tables and graphs.
  • Create a multimedia presentation using various features (such as text and images).
  • Recognize technology’s role in telecommunication.
  • Communicate ideas or information using technology.
  • Use various media and formats for multiple purposes.

Global Collaborator

  • Share curriculum-related (grade or content level specific) concepts with their classmates, families, and others using developmentally appropriate online curriculum-based resources (e.g., online songs, stories, artifacts, and information about their lives, communities, and cultures).
  • Share steps for using age-appropriate technology tools to create a product and create a product; with a partner or team solve a problem; or illustrate a song, rhyme, or story.
  • Use technology tools to exchange classroom to classroom stories, artifacts, and information about their lives, communities, and cultures (varying levels of complexity).
  • Share curriculum-related (grade or content level specific) concepts with their classmates, families, and others using developmentally appropriate online curriculum-based resources (e.g., online songs, stories, artifacts, and information about their lives, communities, and cultures.).
Revised: 10/2019