Grade PreK • Social Studies How to Support Your Child

Grade PreK Social Studies

How to Support Your Child

How to Support Your Child

elemsocialstudies.jpgAccording to the U.S. Department of Education, families can spark enthusiasm in children and lead them to a very important understanding- that learning can be enjoyable as well as rewarding and well worth the effort required. 


    • Read to your child.
    • Talk about the rules people have at home and at school.
    • Create a poster with you child of the rules for your home.
    • Point out American symbols such as the American flag, the bald eagle, etc.
    • Discuss the roles of family members.
    • Use dolls, stuffed animals or favorite toys to act out different roles of family members or community helpers.
    • Use clay to make models of your child’s home or favorite places in the community.
    • Discuss ways people travel to various places in the community (e.g., bus, car, bicycle).
    • Identify vehicles while you are in the community.
    • Discuss the jobs people in the community have, such as police officer, teacher, postal worker, etc.
    • Take your child with you to different community places (ex. Walmart, Target, grocery store, post office) and practice purchasing items.
    • Discuss how your child is similar and different to his/her peers.
    • Talk about your day and your schedule with your child,  discuss what happened, what is happening, and what will happen.
    • Encourage your child to use a map (ex. at the zoo, aquarium, museum).
    • Use paper, blocks, legos etc. to make a map of your kitchen.
    • Take trips