Grade PreK • Visual Art What Your Child Will Learn
Respond and interact with the visual world to develop an understanding of meaning, context, and artistic processes.
- Recognize art vocabulary when responding to the visual world.
- Become aware of the formal qualities of art (lines, shapes, colors, textures) and subject matter in the visual world
- Observe, describe and respond to selected works of art.
- Become aware that visual images communicate ideas, tell stories.
- Recognize art in one’s environment.
Create and develop new or personal ideas
- Experiment with ways to visually express ideas about their world and their experiences.
- Use/make art to tell a story about a familiar place, person, or favorite objects.
- Explore master art works and create a visual response.
- Engage in self-directed creative making.
- Explore the formal qualities of art. (colors, shapes, textures, lines)
- Engage appropriately in self-directed play with tools and materials.
- Share and talk about personal artwork and expand on initial responses.
- Practice following directions in an art process to approach art problems and complete work.
Present personal artistic intent and choices through reflection, thoughtful presentation and/or exhibition of personal work
- Share artistic choices made throughout the course of a studio experience.
- Communicate the personal meaning of a work of art.
- Progress toward understanding completeness.
- Verbally share personal choices made during the art making process.
Maryland Early Learning Standards for Fine Arts Links to an external site.