Grade PreK • Visual Art What Your Child Will Learn

Grade PreK Visual Art

What Your Child Will Learn

Respond and interact with the visual world to develop an understanding of meaning, context, and artistic processes.

  • Recognize art vocabulary when responding to the visual world.
  • Become aware of the formal qualities of art (lines, shapes, colors, textures)  and subject matter in the visual world
  • Observe, describe and respond to selected works of art.
  • Become aware that visual images communicate ideas, tell stories.
  • Recognize art in one’s environment.

Create and develop new or personal ideas

  • Experiment with ways to visually express ideas about their world and their experiences.
  • Use/make art to tell a story about a familiar place, person, or favorite objects.  
  • Explore master art works and create a visual response.
  • Engage in self-directed creative making.
  • Explore the formal qualities of art. (colors, shapes, textures, lines)
  • Engage appropriately in self-directed play with tools and materials.
  • Share and talk about personal artwork and expand on initial responses.
  • Practice following directions in an art process to approach art problems and complete work.

Present personal artistic intent and choices through reflection, thoughtful presentation and/or exhibition of personal work

  • Share artistic choices made throughout the course of a studio experience.
  • Communicate the personal meaning of a work of art.
  • Progress toward understanding completeness.
  • Verbally share personal choices made during the art making process.


Maryland Early Learning Standards for Fine Arts Links to an external site.