Grade PreK • Mathematics • Number Concepts

Grade PreK Grade PreK • Mathematics

Number Concepts

Number Concepts Vocabulary

  • Number: a word, symbol, or figure that represents a quantity
  • Greater: bigger, more
  • Less: smaller, fewer
  • Equal: having the same value or amount
  • Cardinality: the number of items in a set
  • Subitize: recognize the number of objects in a set without counting (e.g., seeing 5 dots and saying "five" without counting each dot)


Number Concepts Activities 

  • Count every day objects such as jellybeans in a bowl, pennies in a jar, cheerios in a baggie, etc.
  • Find numerals on common objects such as license plates, highway signs, price tags, clothing, etc.
  • Practice counting with your child while doing various activities-driving in the car, jumping rope, waiting in line at a store, etc.
  • Use cards to compare numbers (remove the face cards). Have each player take a card; identify who has more, less, or if the values are equal.
  • Count how many eggs are in an egg carton. How many more are needed to fill the carton?
  • Put items such as socks, stickers, toys, food, etc. into groups and talk about which group has more or less items using the terms greater than and less than.
  • Roll a die and count the dots. Say the number. What number comes before? What number comes after? 


Number Concepts Online Activities